Saturday, August 31, 2019
The American Renaissance: An American Style of Writing
The American Renaissance, a period which spanned from the 1830s to the end of the Civil War, is widely acknowledged as the establishment of America’s literary history. Despite their usage of classical styles such as Romanticism and Gothicism, the writers of the aforementioned era (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville) succeeded in producing original works that were eventually regarded as the foundations of American literature (Michaels and Pease, 1989, p.127).The writings of these authors were noted mainly for their deviation from the restraints associated with established writing and philosophical disciplines, as well as criticism of prevailing norms and standards. Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter (1850), for instance, spoke out against Puritan hypocrisy (Gedge, 2003, p. 101). Thoreau’s works, which constantly emphasized the virtue of simplicity, challenged the American values of confor mity and success in terms of monetary gain (Kirklighter and Okawa, 2002, p. 60).In the process, the American Renaissance reflected the transition of the United States from being a British colony to a sovereign nation (Michaels and Pease, 1989, p. 10). The independence of their country left the Founding Fathers with the task of creating a political identity that was different from that of Great Britain. The writers of the American Renaissance, meanwhile, felt the need to declare cultural independence from Britain (Madsen, 1998, p. 70). To attain this goal, they came up with an â€Å"American style†of writing. The United States in the Antebellum EraThe 18th century was characterized with immense optimism on the part of the American people. The triumph of the American Revolution instilled in them a buoyant belief in human perfectibility (Cirtautas, 1997, p. 66). They likewise embraced democracy and its lofty ideal of equality regardless of class and education (Dietze, 1995, p. 59). Technological advances such as the telegraph, the railroad, the steamship and the turnpike resulted in immense economic growth by making the exchange of goods and services faster and more efficient (Abrams, 2004, p.17). Innovations like photography and powered presses stimulated the growth of American cultural life through the mass production of inexpensive books, journals and newspapers (Benesch, 2002, p. 56). The above-mentioned achievements, however, failed to address certain needs of American society. Despite its strong emphasis on egalitarianism, democracy failed to improve the lot of many disenfranchised Americans. In addition, several Americans became increasingly disillusioned with their culture’s fixation on material wealth and social respectability.Worse, the institutions that were supposed to guide the American public – religion, government, school and the family – were either too indifferent or perpetuated the materialistic and pretentious natur e of American society. â€Å"Jacksonian Democracy:†Democracy for the White Educated Male Although the Declaration of Independence held that â€Å"all men are created equal,†law and custom reserved this impartiality for the white educated male. Only white men from well-off families were allowed to pursue an education, own property and or vote. Women and African-Americans, in sharp contrast, remained marginalized.White men can batter, rape and or kill slaves with impunity. Furthermore, the lack of incriminating evidence did not spare slaves from punishment for alleged crimes (Stone, Epstein, and Sunstein, 1992, p. 504). Such a flawed model of democracy was later referred to as â€Å"Jacksonian democracy. †President Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) was a leader of contrasting principles – he staunchly advocated popular democracy and individual liberty, as well as slavery and Indian removal (Tyler, 1944, p. 21). Despite his key roles in the War of 1812 and the F irst Seminole War, Jackson’s inaugural speech contained the following words:I believe that man can be elevated†¦and as he does he becomes more God-like in his character and capable of governing himself. Let us go on elevating our people, perfecting our institutions, until democracy shall reach such a point of perfection that we can acclaim with truth that the voice of the people is the voice of God. (p. 22) Jackson’s ascension into high office despite his conflicting values was eventually used as a metaphor to describe the duplicitous form of democracy that prevailed during his time (Haskell and Teichgraeber, 1996, p. 192).In the context of â€Å"Jacksonian democracy,†only the white educated male had the right to life, liberty and happiness. Women, the poor and minorities, on the other hand, had no other choice but to resign themselves to their disenfranchised state. While all human beings are supposedly born free, they are not necessarily equal. Richer an d More Miserable Than Ever Even if the United States managed to obtain political sovereignty from Great Britain, traces of British societal norms are still present in American culture. Foremost among these customs are materialism and the fixation with outside appearances.Many wealthy Americans openly flaunted their wealth by assuming lifestyles that both emulated and rivaled those of the European aristocracy (Craven, 2003, p. 287). In the process, they became the symbol of success, respectability and industry. The poor, on the other hand, were dismissed as lazy and ignorant. Such a way of thinking proved to be very erroneous – most economic opportunities in Antebellum America were available only for white men. This, however, was not an assurance that they would have a decent life. Many entrepreneurs, especially plantation owners in the South, preferred slaves over hired hands.Furthermore, many white laborers were subjected to appalling working conditions. They toiled for near ly 14 hours a day in unsafe workplaces for wages that sometimes come in the form of cheap liquor (Reynolds, 1989, p. 352). Spiritual Emptiness Antebellum America saw the rise of Unitarian Christianity. The latter was a form of Christian humanism – it sought to realize the potential divinity in human nature. Unitarians believed that the highest form of worship was the celebration of human dignity through the discovery and maximization of an individual’s faculties and powers (Howe, 2007, p.614). Thus, many American Protestants during the aforementioned era used the humanistic spirit of Unitarianism to nurture many aspects of their country’s intellectual life and social reform. Schoolteacher Dorothea Dix, for instance, campaigned tirelessly for humane living conditions in insane asylums. Another educator, Horace Mann, instituted several important reforms in the American public school system (Howe, 2007, p. 615). Some thinkers, however, felt disenchanted with the ap parent coldness of Unitarianism.They felt that Unitarianism were so rational that they failed to address the emotional and spiritual needs of their followers. Emerson, for example, called for a creed which was sensuous and integrative but did not rely on tradition. He believed that Unitarianism’s strict emphasis on constitution and institution further divided society by promoting the law of the many. Because Unitarianism neglected the integrated world of the imagination, there was a big possibility that the law of the many would turn into the tyranny of the many (Nigro, 1984, p.45). The American Style of Writing: Breaking Away from the Status Quo The American Renaissance echoed the political, economic and social changes that were taking place in the Antebellum-era United States. Although the writers of the American Renaissance used classical styles such as Romanticism and Gothicism, their works reflected their deviation from the restraints associated with these writing and ph ilosophical disciplines. Their writings likewise criticized prevailing norms and standards in American society.In the process, the authors of the American Renaissance were able to challenge their audiences to confront the changes and responsibilities that are associated with sovereignty. Crossovers Many writers of the American Renaissance combined classical and contemporary styles in their works. As a result, they were able to openly discuss topics that were considered sensitive during their time. The writings of Whitman, for instance, were a blend of â€Å"romanticism (and) the open road of modernist form, vision and experiment†(McQuade, et al. , 1998, p. 1146).Such a bold and contradictory manner of writing complemented his candor about sexuality. Whitman’s poem The Sleepers (1881), for example, candidly discussed the taboo subject of masturbation. Sex manuals in the 19th century warned that masturbation was an indicator of insanity. Clergymen, meanwhile, denounced the act as a sin. Masturbators, therefore, were referred to in the aforementioned poem as â€Å"sick-gray (onanists)†(Killingsworth, 2007, p. 45). The term â€Å"onanist†was an allusion to the biblical figure of Onan, condemned by God for spilling his seed upon the ground (Genesis 38: 8-10).Contrary to popular belief during his time, Whitman regarded masturbation as normal. He hailed the masturbator as the natural man – the â€Å"spontaneous me†who was liberated from the repressiveness of convention. This release (â€Å"The souse upon me of my lover by the sea, as I lie willing and naked†) eventually culminated in the ejaculation of semen (â€Å"It has done its work – I toss it carefully to fall where it may†). Given Whitman’s aforementioned attitude towards masturbation, the poem viewed semen (â€Å"this bunch pluck’d at random from myself†) with nonchalance (Killingsworth, 2007, p. 45). Unmasking the Hypocris ySome writers of the American Renaissance attacked the deceitful norms of their society. The bigoted views of Puritan America on morality are one of the main features in The Scarlet Letter. A young woman named Hester Prynne was made to wear a scarlet â€Å"A†embroidered on her chest as punishment for adultery. Apart from having an illegitimate child as a result of her indiscretion, she also had to endure ostracism from her contemptuous neighbors. Her cruelest tormentors were the community’s Puritan elders, who believed that sin was something that should be punished and suppressed (Hawthorne, 1994, p. 44).Hester’s paramour, Arthur Dimmesdale, made her face guilt and shame alone for fear that his reputation as a righteous minister would be tarnished (Hawthorne, 1994, p. 58). Dimmesdale was Hawthorne’s way of showing audiences that even the most respectable people can be guilty of the worst acts of wrongdoing. Despite his religious background, Dimmesdale ha d an extramarital affair with Hester, who happened to be a married woman. Worse, he refused to take responsibility for his fault. Although their religion espoused forgiveness and compassion towards sinners, the Puritan elders harangued Hester endlessly.Hester and Pearl: Symbols of Change. Ironically, it was Hester and her illegitimate daughter Pearl who served as the symbols of change in The Scarlet Letter. It is revealed in Chapter V that although Hester was free to leave Boston and start a new life elsewhere, she opted not to (Hawthorne, 1994, p. 68). Indeed, leaving Boston for good seemed to be the best option for Hester – she could finally get rid of her scarlet â€Å"A†symbol and live as a respectable woman again. But running away meant acknowledging that the letter was a mark of shame and was therefore something she was trying to escape from.Staying in Boston, on the other hand, meant that she was denouncing society’s power over her by not denying the exi stence of her past sin (Hawthorne, 1994, p. 67). Pearl also served as a reminder of the importance of individuality and honesty to one’s self. In Chapter XVIII, Hester and Dimmesdale finally decided to take Pearl with them and flee to the colony. Before leaving, Hester removed the scarlet letter and tried to throw it into the stream – it landed on the far side instead (Hawthorne, 1994, 172). Pearl however, refused to cross the stream until her mother promised to reattach the scarlet letter (Hawthorne, 1994, p.180). Indeed, dishonesty with one’s self will remove characteristics that a status quo considers to be deviant, but are also integral parts of who an individual is. Conclusion The American Renaissance produced an American style of writing. The works that fell under this style deviated from the restraints associated with established writing and philosophical disciplines, as well as criticism of prevailing norms and standards. In the process, the writers of t he American Renaissance succeeded in challenging their audiences to confront the changes and responsibilities that are associated with sovereignty.As free people, they must create their own national identity instead of depending on British norms and standards. References Abrams, R. E. (2004). Landscape and Ideology in American Renaissance Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Benesch, K. (2002). Romantic Cyborgs: Authorship and Technology in the American Renaissance. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. Cirtautas, A. M. (1997). The Polish Solidarity Movement: Revolution, Democracy and Natural Rights. New York: Routledge. Craven, W. (2003). American Art: History and Culture.New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. Dietze, G. (1995). In Defense of Property. Lanham: University Press of America. Gedge, K. E. (2003). Without Benefit of Clergy: Women and the Pastoral Relationship in Nineteenth-Century American Culture. New York: Oxford University Press US. Haskell, T. L. , & Teichgraeber, R. F. (1996). The Culture of the Market. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hawthorne, N. (1994). The Scarlet Letter. London: Penguin Books. Howe, D. W. (2007). What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848. New York: Oxford University Press.Killingsworth, M. J. (2007). The Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kirklighter, C. , & Okawa, G. Y. (2002). Traversing the Democratic Borders of the Essay. Albany: SUNY Press. Madsen, D. L. (1998). American Exceptionalism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. McQuade, D. , et al. (1998). The Harper Single Volume American Literature (3rd ed. ). Harlow: Pearson-Longman. Michaels, W. B. , & Pease, D. E. (1989). The American Renaissance Reconsidered. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Nigro, A. J.(1984). The Diagonal Line: Separation and Reparation in American Literature. Bridgewater: Susquehanna University Press. Reynolds, D. S. (1989). Beneath the American Renaissance: The Subversive Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melville (6th ed. ). Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Stone, G. R. , Epstein, R. A. , & Sunstein, C. R. (1992). The Bill of Rights in the Modern State. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Tyler, A. F. (1944). Freedom’s Ferment: Phases of American Social History to 1860. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Politics in Texas Essay
The Texan republicans stand for the ideas of individualism. That entrepreneurship is the key to unlocking the powers of the economy, according to the Republican Party. The Democratic Party respects the notion of small business and entrepreneurship as it also strives to encourage jobs for hard-working laborers. In conjunction with this, the Democrats want businesses to be more flexible and technologically friendly, along with finding creative, environmentally-sound ways of promoting business. The Green Party also claims to support the power of the small business, but they have a more environmental approach that specifies several details in which companies should abide. In accordance with this, the Green Party wishes to limit free-trade in exchange with environmentally and labor friendly trade. They also specify a set wage that would allow an individual to afford a one-bedroom apartment on thirty-percent of their income. In opposition to a heavily regulated economy, the libertarians seem like the Republican Party, but to a more extreme. They are against most taxation, including income taxes since they define a wage or salary as a trade of money and service, not an equity. I believe this to be a proper point. How can people promote the economy when a chunk of their wages is taken by the government? The Libertarians are also opposed to the use of eminent domain which I agree with. It should not be up to the government to choose how someone’s property may or may not be used.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Critique of an Article - Organizational Development and Change Essay
Critique of an Article - Organizational Development and Change - Essay Example The change process at ABA trading company, operating in Germany have been described in three steps including change initiative, change implementation process and sustainable change process. The organization has passed through the change in strategy, organizational culture, management, and leadership and employee orientation. Before explaining the process of change, understanding why ABA Company felt the need to bring the change is important. Actually, as a strategic response to increasing competition, ABA Company decided to go international. The organization was restructured into three divisions and the administrative service was decentralized. Instead of just only restructuring, the organizational change of ABA appeared to be a complete integrated process, in which along with structural change, change in strategy, culture etc. were also introduced. Various companies think short term and ignore the link between restructuring and strategy, however, for restructuring to be successful, long-term strategy should be linked to organizational restructuring. Like various other organizations, restructuring and downsizing poses great threats for the organization because the level of trust, commitment and morale of the employees may go down. Same thing happened in this case, therefore, to reduce the negative impact of the change process; the organization felt the need to analyze the behavior and attitude of people towards this change. First it was observed that before the change process, the culture of company was paternal and supportive. The leadership was caring and highly relational psychological contracts used to exist between organization and its members. The commitment was brought by job security and lifelong employment. Bill felt the need to support the change process, instead of just informing the employees about bringing the change and for a continuous observation and evaluation of organizational members; a team of researchers was hired. The researchers of
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Introduction assigments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Introduction assigments - Essay Example lack of political will due to labor needs, limited interior enforcement funding and lack of reliable techniques of confirming eligibility for employment (Gans, n.d). I do not support illegal immigration. This is because it puts pressure on available social resources; leads to the consumption of much government resources such as health care, welfare, education among others, especially by the poorer immigrants, without giving a corresponding amount of taxes; hinders upward mobility; and fragments the sense of national identity. It is also a threat to national security and interferes with the middle class’ way of life. Additionally, illegal immigration leads to brain drain especially if the immigrant is an intellectual. Abortion refers to the termination of a pregnancy through removing or expelling an embryo or a fetus from the uterus, which results in or is caused by its death. In medical terms, it refers to any pregnancy that does not result in a live birth, and can therefore refer to a premature birth or a miscarriage that does not end in a live infant (Buisson, n.d). Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in the modern society, with the sharp divisions cutting through religion, families and politics. It is an issue, which evokes very strong judgments and feelings as well as very heated recriminations on all sides. I believe that life begins at conception and therefore, abortion is the murder of unborn children and that terminating a pregnancy before normal childbirth is morally wrong – it denies the baby the right to live. In deed, it punishes the innocent unborn baby. It can also cause medical complications later in the life of the mother in addition to causing severe psychological pain and stress. There should be no grounds for abortion even in the instance of incest and rape – applying good medical care can prevent pregnancy in such
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Theoretical review in optical materials used in Concentrating Dissertation
Theoretical review in optical materials used in Concentrating Photovoltanic (CPV) Technology - Dissertation Example Photovoltaic cells have been widely in use for the production of electricity from solar energy. However, they have high production costs because of which the cost of photovoltaic electricity is high, causing difficulties in their widespread use and market penetration (Swanson, 2000). One approach through which this drawback can be minimized is the use of solar concentrators that can increase solar irradiation per unit area of the solar cells, thereby resulting in increased electricity production per unit area of the receiver (Abdul-Rahman & Wang, 2010). Apart from increasing the electricity efficiency of the photovoltaic solar cells, the use of solar concentrators can also help in decreasing the area required for a given amount of output. Concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) technology uses optical components as solar concentrators. This technology is economically advantageous as it helps in decreasing the cost of solar electricity by using optical material that is less expensive than ph otovoltaic cells, resulting in the need for lesser number of solar cells for the same electrical output. Thus, in simpler words, the goal of CPV technology is to â€Å"reduce the cost of electricity generated by replacing expensive PV converter area with less expensive optical material†(Swanson, 2003, p. 449). ... ectric Fresnel lenses, other types of solar concentrators include dish concentrators, compound parabolic concentrators, and reflectors (Brogren, 2004). As the present study aims at modeling optical parameters for optimum collection of concentrated solar radiation for photovoltaic devices, this theoretical review will focus on the different types of optical materials used in CPV technology. Apart from providing a brief overview of the types of solar concentrators, their optics, and the types of optical materials used, this review will also elaborate the optical and physical properties of optical materials, especially glass and polymeric materials such as poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), which are relevant to the present study. 2.2. Solar Concentrators & Their Types Solar concentrators are of various types depending on the type of optics employed, the concentration ratio, the number of axes for tracking the sun, etc. Fig. 2.2. Schematic representation of solar concentrator, radiation intercepted by the aperture area, A1, falls on the receiver area, A2 (Brogren, 2004, p. 41). The figure 2.2 above shows the diagrammatic representation of a solar concentrator that concentrates solar radiation spread over a wider aperture area, A1, over a smaller receiver area, A2. 2.2.1. Concentration Ratio The geometric concentration ratio of a given concentrating system is the ratio of the concentrator aperture area and area over which the radiation is concentrated. It is given by the following equation: Cg = A1/A2, where, Cg = geometric concentration ratio, A1 = â€Å"aperture area of concentrator†, and A2= â€Å"area onto which the radiation is concentrated†(Brogren, 2004). For solar concentrators, the geometric concentration ratio is defined as â€Å"the area of the primary lens or
Monday, August 26, 2019
Business for Social Responsibility (Environment study) Essay
Business for Social Responsibility (Environment study) - Essay Example This happened prior to the emergence of modern multinational corporations. The most renowned philosophers of that time, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Rousseau and John Locke introduced the concepts of responsibilities and rights of government to its people and citizens to fellow citizens (White 2007 p.13). This line of thinking became the idea behind the modern concept of a democratic state and democracy at large. This was a situation whereby the ultimate power rested on the citizens. However, the citizens are willing to delegate authority to the state. Through this, individuals could participate in social activities that enhance a shared future in a defined territory or community. The basics of social contracts are clear although the emphases and assumptions may vary. The modern day pluralistic society discourages a few people to use power to oppress the majority (Buchholtz & Carroll 2012 p19). These basics have not changed for centuries notwithstanding the huge shift from agrarian societies to complex industrialized societies which are dominated by the global economy (White 2007 p. 8). According to White (2007), this facilitated the shift from a life of endless conflicts over control of assets like water and land. These assets are considered to be common. The rights became defined. Citizens accepted to respect the rights of their fellow citizens with the assurance that their own rights will be protected. Penalties for those who violate the rights of others were introduced (White 2007 p. 8). The foundation of social contracts lies behind the principle of shielding or protecting human rights by means of individuals giving authority or state willingly. The scope of human rights has been rapidly expanding, but the underlying principle remains the same. Social contract is the awareness that the government is supposed to serve the people. With that understanding, the people own all the political power, but in most cases they delegate it to government officials. The people ca n give or opt to withhold power (Buchholtz & Carroll 22). Social contract theory urges that people can exchange power with authorities so that their rights can be protected. In this process, people surrender some of their freedoms and submit to an authority for protection (White 2007 p.16). The relationship between legal and natural rights becomes a vital aspect of the social contract theory. Members of the society decide to cooperate so that the entire society can benefit. A social contract is a general agreement between members of a society of with the government that explains how the rights of the society shall be protected in a sustainable manner. This agreement is not written, but it is known to exist between the state and individuals. In case of mature democracies, the rights are delegated to elected officials and the leaders are held accountable. Impacts of the iron law of responsibility and social contract. Property rights assist people with the atmosphere to nurture wealth which is supposed to enrich and improve their productivity. According to Thomas Paine, a philosopher in the 18th century, natural property comes from God, who is the Creator of the universe. Therefore, it should not be used for just personal and private needs. The impact of social contracts is increasingly being felt. A society which allows incursions into communal resources to benefit a few cannot have true democracy (White 2007). The level to
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Restructuring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Restructuring - Essay Example One of the essential steps the business should be prepared to take is to restructure. A need to restructure will not only come from financial problems, but it could be because of competition, change in market trends and demand, new market or need for a merger (Wang, 2010; Business Wales, 2014). Although this might be the only way out for a business to regain its competitive value, a poorly done restructuring process can end up causing more damage to the company than good. It is for this reason that planning is key for any business to be successful through the restricting process for example Starbucks and Twitter. The key steps that these companies took involved a diagnosis of their status, plan on the steps to take, and finally implemented the change (Bush, 2014). The important lesson in the case of Starbucks and Twitter is to understand when it is time to restructure and to have a well-prepared plan to carry out the process. Business Wales. (2014, February 5). Reorganisations, restructuring and other major changes. Retrieved from Business Wales:
Saturday, August 24, 2019
1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
1 - Essay Example Each of these will be explored in turn with examples but greater emphasis on the last two. Cost has always been an obstacle to having many computers in schools (Micromart, N.d.). Low cost computing was then pioneered by the British Sir Clive Sinclair although the Acorn’s BBC eventually became more popular in UK schools (Lee, 2009). The greatest influx of computers into UK schools thus began in the late 1980s when the educational authorities supported the move (Smith, n.d.). Generally, the affordability of computers has been improving (Reddy, 2006) resulting in more of them being present in schools today. This includes laptops, as their prices and maintenance costs have been falling steadily making cost less of an obstacle nowadays (Warschauer, 2008). The form factor refers to the physical size and configuration of the computer hardware, or the physical arrangement of its case or internal components (Tech Target, 2005). As far as the outward size is concerned, computers have generally become smaller in size making them more convenient and space saving including peripherals such as the monitor. Early computers were too large for schools (Eteokleous, 2008). They also lacked sound and graphics capabilities (Smith, n.d.). The latest major trend in computer design is the tablet form. This follows on from the attempt at making smaller and cheaper laptops called notebooks. This form is likely to be more successful than notebooks because it is less bulky. Apple has led the way with its iPad, described by the company itself as "a whole new kind of device" (Apple, 2010). It offers more functionality than e-readers such as Amazons kindle and is easier to carry around than a netbook. This kind of convenience in a new computer form and at a lower cost than the traditional computers makes it ideal in education. The iPad like all e-readers can contain many textbooks which is easier than carrying several real textbooks
Friday, August 23, 2019
Counting rationally to 15 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Counting rationally to 15 - Essay Example Blocks of wood can be labeled 1 - 15. Cups can then be placed on top of these blocks. The rule of the game would be, one cup on top of each block. To evaluate mastery on one to one correspondence, the teacher can post fifteen pictures on the board and indulge the students in yet another game. The teacher will then count the pictures on the board and the student that catches the teacher doing an erroneous counting gets an extra point. One such error by the teacher would be counting the same picture twice. Geary (1999) tells us that although children with MD understand one to one correspondence, they sometimes make mistakes on tasks that assess this concept. Children with mathematical disabilities(MD) almost always detect double counting when it is the last manipulative that is counted twice. When the first manipulative is double counted, the child has to wait until the counting is finished before he can decide whether the counting was erroneous or not. This suggests that children with MD have difficulty keeping information while counting. To solve this problem, have them use their fingers to count (Brown, Ferguson and Witzel, 2 007). This helps them associate counting with their fingers (one finger for '1', two fingers for '2' and they may use sticks as substitutes for numbers '11' through '15'). They can then keep track of the manipulatives as they count them. Stable order. The order of the word tags must be invariant across counted sets.
Methadone Treatment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Methadone Treatment - Essay Example As a result, there have been many advances and research into the field of psychopharmacology. One of the widely used pharmaceutical treatments on people suffering from heroin addiction is a drug known as methadone. Heroin is a synthetic version of morphine. The opium poppy plant is the base from which it is synthesized. The compound of Heroin was first synthesized in 1874. After it was synthesized, it was marketed as a non-addictive morphine substitute and often used as a cough suppressant. It was originally marketed by Bayer. After reformation in the government in regards to drug administration and regulation, the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act was passed in 1914 which moved this drug for only recreational use. Eventually, it was moved to a Schedule I drug and made illegal. Characteristics of Schedule I drugs include the fact that there is a high likelihood of abuse and they provide very little medicinal purpose. The pharmacology of heroin is what makes it a very addictive substance. Th e typical paths of administration are either through snorting or through intravenous injection. The reason that heroin has such a quick effect on the body is because it is highly lipid soluble. It binds to specific opioid receptors which induce an effect of euphoria for the user. This is caused by an excess in the secretion of dopamine and the occupation of dopamine in these opioid receptors. These receptors are located throughout the body, but in particular in the brain and spinal cord. Drug dependence occurs when people have used heroin for such a long period of time that their body has been chemically changed and they can no longer function without the drug. As a result, the withdrawal symptoms can be extremely horrible and can include: depression, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, etc. One of the many commonly reported adverse side effects is the feeling of crawling on the skin, which leads to lesions and scars to form from users obsessive scratching. Fatality from withdrawal is not commonly observed with this type of addiction (US Department of, 2005). One of the most commonly used drugs in the treatment of heroin addiction is Methadone. It was first synthesized in 1937 in Germany. It works by occupying the opioid receptors in the body which is able to block the effects of dopamine in the body. This opioid agonist is also a glutamate inhibitor which helps prevent the excitatory action in the central nervous system. This allows the user to come off the heroin addiction much easier. The medication is taken orally once a day and typically has an effect of between 24 and 36 hours. While methadone moves to take the place of heroin in the addiction, it is able to block many of the more harmful effects of the addiction, but does not provide that high associated with heroin. The addiction, however, becomes the same with methadone, but can sometimes take more time to come off of (Broekhuysen, 2000). Even though it has been shown that methadone is an important c omponent in the recovery process, there are many critics who believe that this is â€Å"merely substituting one addiction for another.†It is because there is large criticism regarding whether the addiction is being treated as a medical addiction. Like the idea of people selling prescription drugs illegally, many critics feel that if methadone is made too widely used, then it will become an abused drug in the trafficking industry due to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Unresolved Issues in The Odyssey Essay Example for Free
Unresolved Issues in The Odyssey Essay Homer would never have willingly chosen to end the Odyssey at book 23, line 343. The Odyssey cannot be concluded here because Odysseus has not finished everything he set out to do and the reader is left hanging. At this point in the book Odysseus is still facing the threat of repercussion for his actions. Until Odysseuss rule is secure, the ending is unsatisfying. It is also not possible for the Odyssey to have an entirely happy ending if Odysseus isnt brought together with his father, Laertes, who has mourned him throughout his long absence. One of Odysseuss main incentives for returning home is that he wishes to be reunited with his father, Laertes. Odysseus learns to appreciate the value of home and family even more during his long journey. When speaking of his desire to go back to Ithaca while he is still in Phaiakia, Odysseus asks, Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his own home and his parents? (book 9 line 34-36). If the book ends before Odysseus has reveals himself to his father, then Odysseuss goal of seeing his family again has not been completely fulfilled. His father is consumed with grief about his missing son. Laertes is not taking care of himself at all; he is sick and emaciated from sleeping on the ground in the mud and not eating. In the hierarchical mindset I dont think you could leave the king (Laertes is still king until he dies) or a father in that condition and not face wrath from the gods. The Greeks had tremendous amounts of respect for elder family members and it doesnt make sense that Odysseus, who is supposed to be extremely generous, would let his father suffer after he returned home- its too cruel. In terms of number of pages the journey home is not really that big or significant, while ousting the suitors and restoring right at home is huge. The focus of the book is on what Odysseus did once he got home to accomplish that goal- rather then how he got to Ithaca itself. Odysseus comes home, and murders the suitors, but that only resolves some of his problems. He still has the families of the suitors to contend with, for there is a very good chance that the Akhaians will not accept Odysseus as king again after he has murdered a good number of the high-ranking men in town. Before the book ends, it is essential that Odysseus make peace with the families of the suitors and reunite with his father, Laertes. If the Odyssey were to end while Odysseuss power was still in question the main goal would not be accomplished, and the book would be incomplete.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Health Organization Case Study
Health Organization Case Study Introduction Banner Health has its headquarters at Phoenix, AZ and drives 25 hospital branches, related health services in seven states of United States. Banner Health has grown from hospital system to an integrated system including services that are provided through Banner Medical Group and Banner Health Network. Banner Health is considered as a top system in providing stable quality health to the patients. It offers physician services, home care, comprehensive services and hospice. Specialized services are offered by the organization at Western States Burn Center, Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Banner Heart Hospital and Banner Concussion Center. The organization runs in seven states of Colorado, Nebraska, Alaska, California, Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada (Banner health at a glance, 2014). Healthcare strategies for future Banner health offers simulation education program for healthcare professionals, which is considered as a largest program in the country. This program makes use of simulators, mannequins and virtual reality programs to provide new generation method of learning. Banner health employees can perfect their medical techniques prior to attending the real patients at the facility (Simulation education at Banner health, nd). The medical director of Banner health simulation medical center, Dr. Mark Smith says that he was convinced with the fact that innovation in the current activities would definitely throw light on showing efficient and high quality care towards the patients. He reminds that demand for health services are increasing, while the resources are becoming scarce with the aging population, evolving technology and uncertainty in the health system of the country. With the help of cutting edge technologies, Banner Health is improving the services and minimizing the errors (Banner Inno vation, 2011). Simulation training is a training method that gives an opportunity for the clinical experts to practice and do mistakes in the activities which have no consequences. Therefore, the trainers can easily estimate the cognitive and psychomotor skills of the clinicians. Training also includes examining the procedural knowledge of clinician, documenting capacity, decision-making capacity, communicating with the care team and patients, and time management skills of the person (Banner Innovation, 2011). The areas considered to be improved to buildup existing health network are enhancing patient care through skills in emergency care, surgical skills, common procedures, team work, labor and delivery skills. The cardiac life support training courses of Banner health were also restored. Preparedness to handle Ebola Cases Though there are no reported Ebola virus cases in any of the places where Banner health services are present, the organization is taking necessary steps to address the Ebola virus cases, if there is any need in the community. All the branches of Banner health have policies and procedures sufficiently in form to isolate the patient who is suspected to be infected with Ebola virus. It has been an important endeavor on the part of Banner health during the past seven months to conduct special training sessions for the hospital staff with the help of infection prevention specialists. These sessions focused on preventing the virus spread (Ebola virus, nd). Large hospital rooms in various facilities of Banner health are designed to isolate the Ebola patients or patients with infectious diseases, and treat them effectively. These isolation rooms are equipped with integral infection control precautions, specific equipment and airflow. As there is a constant practice of treating various contagious diseases here, these specific rooms are always engaged in accommodating patients regularly with the same precautionary measures. The guidelines provided by the Center for disease control and prevention for the safety of the staff and other patients at Banner health facilities are considered for preparing and planning the necessary activities (Ebola virus, nd). RN Case Manager Banner Health RN case managers help in providing right care to the patients at the right time. The resources are utilized to the maximum extent to augment the quality of health services and to coordinate healthcare with RN case managers. The case management teams differ based on diverse work settings. These teams comprise of RN case manager, case management technician and social worker. The specific needs of the patient are evaluated by the case management team. The roles of RN case managers in banner health are communicating with insurance companies and acute care setting. The roles of them in banner health network are home health visits, telephonic support service, planning long term care, coordinating communication within the network and communicating with insurance companies (RN Case Manager Careers, nd). Resource management Banner health offers nurse practitioner courses to introduce leading-edge technology tools such as electronic medical records, simulation learning centers and remote intensive care monitoring. Medical innovation at banner health is considered as good as healthcare professionals treating the patients. Banner health trains the nurses to confidently and safely deliver patient care. Employing nurses here opens options for nurses to continue clinical education, tuition reimbursement, scholarships and so on (Registered nurse careers, nd). Banner medical group comprises of more than 1300 practitioners across more than 65 specialities to deliver safer and quality patient care. The medical staff is transforming patient care delivery, which can be observed in patient-centered medical home implementation (PCMH). Care planning for patients is done through PCMH by coordination, tracking and working in teams. This results in efficient and quality delivery of healthcare (Healthcare careers at Banner health, nd). Banner health provides sufficient training in business through an advanced simulation center. Competitive compensation, private housing, electronic medical records, attractive bonuses, travel allowance and stability offered by Banner health are enjoyed by the employees of the organization (Banner staffing services Banner health travelers, nd). Patient satisfaction It is the policy of Banner health to resolve complaints related to the services, healthcare or any alleged actions. Several centers of the Banner health ensure care departments that can be contacted to give any complaint regarding the patient care. Banner health centers provide certain rights for the patient, offer pastoral care, have complaint policy, provide living will, healthcare power of attorney and mental healthcare power of attorney as advanced directive, provide communication assistance for the patients, and provide access to the hospital ethics committee (Patient satisfaction, nd). Advance directives and written statements generated by the patients can help the healthcare practitioners and family members to understand what the patient actually desires (Advance directives, nd). There is a notice of privacy practices prepared in the form of a fact sheet by Banner Health to protect the confidentiality of patient information. The notice explains the way patient information is used by the organization inside and outside the campus. The notice also explains the patient’s rights towards their own health information (Privacy practices for banner health, nd). References Advance Directives. (nd). Patients Visitors. Banner Health, retrieved from Banner health at a glance. (2014). About banner health, Banner Health,Retrieved from Banner Innovation. (2011). Banner Health Innovation: Welcome to the future, Focus on Innovation, About Banner Health, Banner Health, Retrieved from Banner Health. Patient satisfaction. (nd). Retrieved from Banner staffing services Banner health travelers. (nd). Banner health careers, Banner health, Retrieved from Ebola virus. (nd). Banner Health Services. Banner health, Retrieved from Healthcare careers at Banner Health. (nd). Physician careers, banner Health, Retrieved from Privacy practices for banner health. (nd). Patients Visitors, Banner Health, Retrieved from Registered nurse careers. (nd). Banner health careers, Banner Health, Retrieved from RN Case Manager Careers. (nd). Banner Health Careers, Banner Health, Retrieved from Simulation education at banner health. (nd). Courses/Applications, Banner Health. Retrieved from
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Case Study of Management of Globalization at Ryanair
Case Study of Management of Globalization at Ryanair With increasing globalisation, numbers of companies are entering different foreign markets but some of them only attain success. This is because of their lack of knowledge about free markets advantages and limitations and role of enterprise within organisations (Brooke 1996). Firms that operate by assessing the impact of globalisation are much able to operate successfully rather than the firms that operate without analysing the impact of globalisation (Vittorio 2006). In this report all these aspects will be discussed with the help of a company, Ryan Air that is one of the oldest and most flourishing low-cost airlines of Europe (About Us 2011). This report will be completed by analyzing all previous researches or studies done in this field and its implications in real life. Different researchers and theorist have analysed free markets, globalisation and role of enterprise within organizations. With their analyses they have also given different theories and approaches that can be used in a workplace to maximise its opportunities. All these theories and approaches will be used to analyse that what extent free market conditions have allowed Ryan Air to grow and prosper (Iyer Masters 2000). As well it will also describe, at what extent the company had benefitted from free market conditions and to what extent it was constrained by limitations on this market. In addition to this, here it will also be analysed that how company and other markets are driven by enterprise led organisations. In the end, it will also be analysed that what extent the air travel market relies on globalisation and what is the importance of global expansion for Ryan Air. As well, in this report the importance of global markets in other industries will also be evaluated along with the analysis of importance of globalisation. Critical Evaluation of Ryan Airs Entry Ryan Air was established in the year 1985 and it entered low cost European air travel market as a low cost airline. The company attained huge success in Europe and it was all because of free market conditions (About Us 2011). The company success due to free market conditions can be understood effectively by critically evaluating it along with the discussion of its benefits and limitations. Significance of Free Market Conditions to Ryanair: Free market conditions refer to an economy or market in which buying and selling of products and services is done without any restriction related to price and valuation. European air travel market is also highly affected with free market conditions that in turn have also affected Ryan Air (Brooke 1996). The company is highly affected by free market conditions and it is an important reason of its growth and success. Due to the effect of free market conditions, the company along with its competitors has become able in allowing market forces to determine the price and values of air travel offered by them (Vittorio 2006). The free market concept was initially conceptualized throughout the First World War but in present it has become a reason of number of economies success. With the free market conditions of Europe, Ryan Air has derived various benefits like flexibility, freedom, and variety that in turn assist it in growing its business operations in Europe and in other foreign countries (Suneja 2000). With the free market conditions like deregulation and free market entry, Ryanair has been able to exploit the Irish and subsequently the European transport market (Brophy George 2003). With the free market conditions, the company has become able in switching its services on the basis of the widespread market conditions. For example, if there is demand on one route, the company is free to change its operations and other route so can take advantage of current profitable route or service (Iyer Masters 2000). The company is able to change its operations or process without undergoing the scrutiny of extreme government protocols. As well, the company management is also free to alter its services and their management according to their own suitability or accessibility for gaining a competitive edge (Rugman 2002). Benefits Limitations of Free Market Conditions to Ryanair: With the increasing free market conditions, Ryanair has attained several benefits in terms of increased freedom, flexibility and limited government controls or protocols. Free market conditions in Europe have allowed company to undertake activities that please them. Consequently, it can serve customers in a way it wants and sell services they think will help it in growing and prospering (Brophy George 2003). In this free market economy, the company also have freedom to change and alter their business operations. As well, government controls are very less to company operations that provide it with a benefit of increasing significantly at national as well as international level. Although there are some government guidelines to operate in air travel market that need to be followed by Ryanair but it has freedom to manage its operations in a way it feels appropriate or beneficial (Rugman 2002). The company have freedom to increase its number of flights and as well determine prices according to market forces or conditions. In condition of increased demand of air travels, the company is free to increase its number of flights so that more and more profits can be attained in comparison to existing competitors. The increased demand of customers can be satisfied significantly by undertaking diverse business decisions and increasing number of flights (Brophy George 2003). The free market conditions also present Ryanair with an advantage of serving its customers with innovative products and services. In regard to free market economy, the company have an advantage to determine what services it will render to its customers with diverse innovations so that they can be offered with best products and services (Vittorio 2006). In this way, it can be said that it is a tool through which Ryanair can easily attain competitive advantage and core competencies. In addition to significant extent of benefits, free market conditions have also presented Ryanair with several limitations like increased competition, high threat of new entrants, high bargaining power of customers etc (Iyer Masters 2000). In free market economy, there are number of low cost airline companies that operate in Europe and present customers with different innovative services. In this kind of environment, it becomes difficult to retain customers in long-run as well their bargaining power is also high as they have several choices available at a time (Rugman 2002). Threat of new entrants is also very high that several times have presented Ryanair with number of limitations. In starting, the company competitors were not as high as in present and due to this, it requires a more planned approach and business strategy (Ryan Air 2009). Free market conditions and economy have served company with number of benefits as well as with some limitations. Role of Enterprise in the Creation and Development of Ryanair In present the concept of an enterprise driven organization has emerged in which the whole organization is undertaken as an enterprise directed with continuous transformation and change. The emergence of this concept is due to uncertain market environment and rapid changes in consumers tastes. By creating and developing an enterprise driven organization, a businessman can significantly attain success (Box Byus 2007). Similar is the case with Ryanair that also made use of enterprise to become a successful low-cost European airline company. In the creation and development of Ryanair, enterprise played a substantial role that can be understood by critically reviewing its effect. Recognition of Ryanair as Enterprise Driven Organisation: Ryanair was started in the year 1985 with only 57 employees and with one 15 seater turboprop plane that used to carry 5000 passengers on one route. In subsequent year of its operations, the company employees increased along with the number of passengers it used to carry. In the year 1990-1991, the company passengers increased to 700,000 (Box Byus 2007). For attaining growth, the company made use of several marketing strategies. As well, the company also transformed its management team so that effective operations can be brought out in the company. The success attained by the company shows that from the time of company initiation, it was having potential of becoming market leader. It was all due to the effect of Michael OLeary as CEO who kept company recognised as enterprise driven organization (Wallace, Tiernan White 2006). Although, the company have confronted several troubles, but from starting its CEO assisted its entrepreneurs to establish and develop their company as an enterprise. This in turn assisted in the creation of an enterprise culture in Ryanair (Graham Nafukho 2007, p. 130). From beginning, the company and its managers have confronted number of problems mainly in concern to handling business operations, management and cost structures. All these troubles have been resolved by implementing different marketing strategies and transforming old strategies. It would not have been possible, if company CEO have not developed an enterprise culture (Mattila, Nandhakumar, Hallikainen Rossi 2009). By becoming an enterprise driven organization, Ryanair has become able in surviving in the present competitive market and growing in the marketplace (Box Byus 2007). Its enterprise-driven culture has facilitated it in implementing different marketing strategy and attaining different competitive advantages like online booking, one class travel, point-to-point flying, in house marketing, ticketless boarding, reduced turnaround times, corporate partnerships, bargaining power, new aircrafts etc (Ryanairs Competitive Advantage 2009). Due to its effective business operations that are directed with an enterprise culture, it is regarded as the most punctual airline between Dublin and London. It is also recognised as the second largest airline in United Kingdom and Europes largest low-fares airline. It operates with a network of more than 57 routes in 11 countries. It is also served by a fleet of 31 Boeing 737-200 and -800 aircraft with more than 1,400 employees. Its enterprise driven culture help it in constantly concentrating on driving its own costs and serve customers with lowest possible fares and as well as continuously remain profitable. Effect of Enterprise Driven Organizations on Other Markets: With the discussion of Ryanair and effect of enterprise driven organizations on its development and creation, it can be said that enterprise driven organisation does not only affect travel and tourism industry. Other markets and industries are also highly affected by enterprise driven organizations (Graham Nafukho 2007, p. 129). In present almost all industries are confronting significant competition and high market uncertainty. For resolving this type of market threats, it has become essential to adopt enterprise-driven organization as it assists marketers in managing their organizations in regard to emerging changes. By creating and developing an enterprise-driven organization, it becomes easy for different fields marketers to manage their survival as well as growth. They become able to manage changes related to market and customers trends (Mattila, Nandhakumar, Hallikainen Rossi 2009). As well, it also benefits companies with an advantage to create an all-inclusive culture in which everyone operates with coordination and collaboration so that business can be handled effectively (Kongol 2010). In modern era, numbers of markets are encountered with environmental uncertainty and they are trying to improve their organizational efficiency, and eventually performance. This problem can be resolved effectively by creating and developing an enterprise-driven organization as it will assist them in implementing standardized processes and practices throughout borders and their different divisions (Kongol 2010). A consistently enforced enterprise culture assists in the standardization of business processes. As well it also helps in fulfilling all needs of management control by managing all information into one system and making it available. Enterprise-driven organisation become able in a creating an integrated organisation structure that in turn assist managers in anticipating future trends and operate accordingly. In this way, it can be said that enterprise driven organizations does not only affect travel market as it make a positive effect on almost all markets (Mattila, Nandhakumar, Hallikainen Rossi 2009). By creating and developing an enterprise culture all organisations can attain different advantages according to their own success needs and requirements. Impact of Globalisation on Organisations Globalisation is a new concept that refers to processes through which different economies and societies of the world are integrating with the help of a global network. The practice of globalisation is increasing day-by-day as it serves companies with number of advantages like global expansion, significant growth and worldwide image. The significant advantages of globalisation are encouraging present organizations to globalise their business operations that in turn are affecting their overall business activities (Wallace, Tiernan White 2006). This can be understood effectively with the help of Ryanair and air travel market affect of globalisation on it. Reliance of Air Travel Market on Globalisation: Air travel market success basically depends upon the travelling needs of customers. In present almost all countries people like to travel other countries with some or other reason that imposes challenges for air travel marketers to globalise their operations (Hartungi 2006, p.730). Due to this increasing trend of travel and tourism, it has become essential for air travel marketers to globalise and this in turn also renders with several advantages related to high growth and worldwide success. This altering travel trend of people demonstrates that travel market substantially relies on globalisation. If, a travel company is not able to operate at international level it would not be able to tap international market opportunities. Travel industry connects two places that may be from a single nation or country or from different countries (Marquardt 2007). For success in travel market, it is essential to globalise and serve customers with different national as well as international routes. Significance of globalisation can also be understood by evaluating its affect on Ryanair and its business operations (Townsend, Yeniyurt Talay 2009, p. 540). In starting, the company used to operate at two routes, but subsequently, it focussed on increasing its routes to different European countries. With globalisation and the EU air transport deregulation, the company opened up new routes to Continental Europe and carried more than 3 million passengers to 18 different routes. As well, with the effect of globalisation, the company also tried to focus on global expansion and it also initiated services to Stockholm, Oslo, Paris and Brussels. In present, Ryanair operates on more than 1000 routes throughout Europe. As well, in the year 2008, the company also entered US market with an aim of global expansion. These different expansions done by the company and been planned evidences importance of global expansion for the company and its management. Importance of Global Markets in other Industries: In addition to travel industry, globalisation is also important for other industries like electronic equipments, pharmaceutical, agriculture, food beverage, oil and petroleum etc. In present almost all industries wants to operate with the help of global markets so that they can attain more profits and growth (Hartungi 2006, p.729). With increasing globalisation and free market economies different economies of the world are trying to integrate their industries so that they can take advantage of each others skills and practices (Ricks 2006). As well, it has also become a trend for companies to operate in global markets as with this they can attain a global recognition that in turn can be used to attract potential customers. In present customers prefer global brands rather than traditional brands as their lifestyles and way of living has changed and improved also (Cheng Mittelhammer 2008, p. 860). Consumers, whether they belong to low, medium or high income group prefers global brands as it gives them a sense of high living standard. This change in consumers taste and preferences encourages companies to operate at international level and serve different global markets (Townsend, Yeniyurt Talay 2009, p. 540). Almost all industries customers have similar trends towards global market. Food and beverage marketers are also affected by this and due to this different global food and beverage items are available in each country (Hartungi 2006, p.730). This is also the case with oil and petroleum industry as all countries does not have similar resources. Some of the countries have effective resources and this in turn is encouraging them to serve the need of different global markets and attain huge profit and growth (Puig, Marques Ghauri 2009, p. 693). In this environment of increased globalisation there are also some industries for whom it is critical to globalise as otherwise they would not be able to maintain their position and survival in the long run (Marquardt 2007). In this concern, one of the substantial industries is manufacturing industry. Manufacturing industry is an industry in which manufacturing is done and products are developed that almost all of us use in our daily life. If this industry has to survive it has to improve its production and operations strategies that cannot be done with traditional modes of manufacturing (Puig, Marques Ghauri 2009, p. 694). By globalizing this industry can take advantages of different means and advanced technologies. Previously, in India or other developing countries, manufacturing was done with the help of traditional methods but now as it has entered different global markets; it has also become able in making use of advanced manufacturing methods. In this way, it can be said that globalisation is critical for almost all industries to maintain their survival in the long-run. Conclusion and Recommendations With the help of above discussion, it can be said that free market conditions serve organizations with different advantages as well as limitations. Ryanair also attained different advantages with free market conditions like expansion to different European countries and continents and as well as limitation like increased competition, high threat of new entrants (Ryanairs Competitive Advantage 2009). All these threats can be handled effectively, if appropriate strategies like enterprise driven organisation is created and developed. By developing an enterprise-culture a firm can easily resolve its different operations and change management related issues as done by Ryanair (Graham Nafukho 2007, p. 129). In addition to an enterprise-driven organization, a firm can also attain advantages with the help of globalisation and entering different global markets. In present, it has become critical to attain success and long-term survival that can only be done with the help of globalisation (Cheng Mittelhammer 2008, p. 860). Ryanair has also attained several advantages by entering different global markets and due to this only; the company has become able in maintaining its leading position in industry and air travel market (Hartungi 2006, p.730). With the considerations of free market conditions, enterprise-driven organisation and globalisation a firm can easily attain assured success as attained by Ryanair.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Nature and Variety of Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Greek St
13. Megalopolitans: The people from Megalopolis in Arcadia in the western Peloponnese. It was in the Achaean League during the time being described. It would have been considered a Polis and as such would not have been seen as just a single entity or brain, rather [The Greeks] ‘saw the relationship between the individual and the state as organic’ (Green, 1993). The nature and variety of late classical and early Hellenistic Greek states were unique. Not one appeared to be the same as any other. One system favoured democracy (Athens), another may favour a diarchy (Sparta) and others may be led by a tyrant. However A polis at this time did not just have to be a big city. A small village on a mountainside could be considered as a polis because it was led by a body of citizens. Poleis arguably started to decline during the Hellenistic period when they relied more and more on benefactors who would contribute wealth to a city in exchange for political power. A polis in Ancient Greek times would have meant more than just a city, rather it would be a territory, and a state; which is why a polis can be described as a city-state. Aetolians: The Aetolians are from the area of Aetolia which is a mountainous region north of Corinth in central Greece. It was the base of the Aetolian League which was created to rival Macedonia and the Achaean League. By the 340’s it was the leading power in Greece in which Green explains: ‘The Aetolians now controlled most of central Greece’ (Green, 2007). Polybios is heavily anti-Aetolian in his writing, perhaps because Polybios himself was from Megalopolis which was part of the Achaean League, or that he based most of his work for this time (220’s) on Aratus of Sicyon’s memoirs. His father was also a leading... ...Works Cited Green, P. 2007. The Hellenistic Age. New York. Hansen, M. H. 2006. Polis: An Introduction to the Greek City-State. Oxford. Hansen, M. H. 1998. Polis and City-state: An Ancient Concept and its Modern Equivalent. Copenhagen: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab/Munksgaard. Larsen, J. A. O. 1968. Greek Federal States: Their Institutions and History. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Paton, W. R. ed. 1922-7. Polybius, Histories. (Loeb Classical Library, 128, 137-8, and 159-61.) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Shipley, G. 2000. The Greek World after Alexander: 323-30 BC. London-New York: Routledge. Fine, J. V. A. ‘The Background of the Social War of 220-217B.C’. The American Jounal of Philology, Vol 61, No 2. (1940) pp. 129-165. Samuel, A. E. The Ptolemies and the Ideology of Kingship, in Hellenistic History and Culture, Ed. Green, P. 1993.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Islam` Essay examples -- essays research papers
The Islam faith was a very predominant one in the world’s past history. When it first started to rise along with the teachings of Mohammed, it was very popular. Their military and cultural achievements were remarkable. When the Arabs first started conquering land, they had affected the language and cultures of those lands. Mohammed was a very spiritual man, who helped Islam rise and conquer.      Mohammed was born in 569 B.C.E. Mohammed had lost both of his parents by the age of 6, leaving him in the care of his grandmother and uncle. At 12 years old, his uncle took him on a caravan to Syria, where he picked up certain points from the Jewish and Christian religions. He married a wealthy woman at age 25, and they produced a few children together. When Mohammed was 40, he had a period of spiritual strain; he felt that God had chosen him to be a prophet. After answering to God and believing that the Koran was communicated to him, he believed he had a divine calling: to teach the power of Allah, he wanted to warn his people of the Day of Judgment, and let them know of Paradise and the rewards it held.      Shortly after he had passed away, his teachings were written down of this new religion, Islam, which meant â€Å"submission to God’s Will†. Mohammed called upon his followers to follow 5 pillars of Islam. In short, they are: 1. â€Å"There is no God but Allah; Mohamed is the Messenger of Allah†. 2. Pray five times daily-dawn, noon, midafternoon, dusk, and after dark. Facing the direction of Mecca, praying on a carpet, shoes removed and heads covered, 3. Moslems must give alms generously, 4. Moslems must fast from daybreak to sunset during the whole month of Ramadan, 5. Once in their lives Moslems, of they can, must make the pilgrimage to Mecca.      The rituals Mohammed created made a strong bond amongst the followers of Islam. They had to obey these five pillars together. Take care of their fellow Moslems who were economically challenged. They also had the Koran, which bound them together as followers, and they had their pilgrimage to Mecca, which they took together with fellow Moslems. The Koran gave guidance for all parts of life for the Moslems-â€Å"for manners and hygiene, marriage and divorce, commerce and politics, crime and punishment, peace and war†(Stavrianos, 178-179). Therefore you coul... ...lind power complex of the Moslems because they thought they were unstoppable. They had a negative attitude towards those not part of their empire.      Egocentricity let down the iron curtain between the Moslems and the west, especially in the field of science. Scholars of the Moslem world were naà ¯ve to the achievements in anatomy, medicine and astronomy. Moslem science had festered with little drive for new discoveries in the years to come.      A final reason for the explanation of the decline of the Moslem empire were that the three greatest Moslem empires were land empires. These people ruling and taking charge in these empires had their backs to the ocean, so they never felt a need to go to sea. The rulers did not help by being uninterested in trading overseas. This situation let Europeans to jump past the Moslems and become leaders in the overseas trading industries. The Europeans controlled the world trade and the stimulated the economic, social and political development of this nation. Europe became increasingly wealthy, productive, and dynamic, completely leaving the Moslem empire following in its footsteps for centuries.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Management Control Systems at Reliance Industries Limited Essay
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is world’s leading and India’s no: 1 Private Ltd. Company. RIL group is a highly diversified group and is in to multiproduct business like oil / gas exploration, retail of petro / consumer products and mfg. of petrochemical / refining and textile products. Also, in to infrastructure and transportation sectors. he Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932-2002), is India’s largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group’s annual revenues are in excess of US$ 44 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company and is the largest private sector company in India. Backward vertical integration has been the cornerstone of the evolution and growth of Reliance. Starting with textiles in the late seventies, Reliance pursued a strategy of backward vertical integration – in polyester, fibre intermediates, plastics, petrochemicals, petroleum refining and oil and gas exploration and production – to be fully integrated along the materials and energy value chain. The Group’s activities span exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing, petrochemicals (polyester, fibre intermediates, plastics and chemicals), textiles, retail and special economic zones. Reliance enjoys global leadership in its businesses, being the largest polyester yarn and fibre producer in the world and among the top five to ten producers in the world in major petrochemical products. Major Group Companies are Reliance Industries Limited (including main subsidiary Reliance Retail Limited) and Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited Organizational Structure of Reliance Figure [ 1 ] Reliance Major Subsidiaries * Reliance Petroleum Limited (RPL) was a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and was created to exploit the emerging opportunities, creating value in the refining sector worldwide. Currently, RPL stands amalgamated with RIL. [7] * Reliance Life Sciences is a research-driven, biotechnology-led, life sciences organization that participates in medical, plant and industrial biotechnology opportunities. Specifically, these relate to Biopharmaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals, Clinical Research Services, Regenerative Medicine, Molecular Medicine, Novel Therapeutics, Biofuels, Plant Biotechnology and Industrial Biotechnology. [8] * Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited (RIIL) is engaged in the business of setting up / operating Industrial Infrastructure that also involves leasing and providing services connected with computer software and data processing. 9] * Reliance Logistics (P) Limited is a single window solutions provider for transportation, distribution, warehousing, logistics, and supply chain needs, supported by in house state of art telematics and telemetry solutions. [11] * Reliance Clinical Research Services (RCRS), a contract research organization (CRO) and wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Life Sciences, has been set up to provide clinical research services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies. As far as Board structure of RIL is concerned there are 8 Non executive directors and four executive directors, hence RIL is strictly following suggestions given by Kumar mangalam Birla committee regarding corporate governance. Figure [ 2 ] Reliance Board Structure Figure [ 3 ] Reliance Reporting Hierarchy Functional structure Employees within the functional divisions of an organization tend to perform a specialized set of tasks, for instance the engineering department would be staffed only with production engineers. This leads to operational efficiencies within that group. However it could also lead to a lack of communication between the functional groups within an organization, making the organization slow and inflexible. As a whole, a functional organization is best suited as a producer of standardized goods and services at large volume and low cost. Coordination and specialization of tasks are centralized in a functional structure, which makes producing a limited amount of products or services efficient and predictable. Moreover, efficiencies can further be realized as functional organizations integrate their activities vertically so that products are sold and distributed quickly and at low cost. For instance, a small business could start making the components it requires for production of its products instead of procuring it from an external organization. But not only beneficial for organization but also for employees faiths. Hence Reliance is Having Highest Operational efficiency as compared to competitors. Management Style And Culture At Reliance Industries Limited Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has emerged as India’s largest private-sector enterprise and carved out a distinct place for itself in global Fortune 500 companies. Reliance’s business success and competitive position reflect the leadership provided by its founder, Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani who said, â€Å"Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only when you dream it do you get it. †The leadership system defined by Ambani is based on value creation towards both its customers and stakeholders. The same vision has been taken up and forwarded by his son Mr. Mukesh Ambani, current Chairman and Managing Director of RIL. Reliance believes that any business conduct can be ethical only when it rests on the nine core values of Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Fairness, Purposefulness, Trust, Responsibility, Citizenship and Caring. The existence of the culture in RIL is driven towards achievement of excellence in systems, processes, technology and people and also toward the fulfillment of their corporate vision i. e. â€Å"To become a globally competitive enterprise, driven by the market, creating and maintaining a lead over competition through quality products and establishing itself to be the preferred supplier of its customers. †With the vertical integration of chain from refinery to textiles, RIL has unique fully integrated structure. Basically it is a process centric organization that maximized synergies across all interfaces, leverage core competencies of various disciplines to maximize value from current assets and create growth opportunities while allowing people to develop and contribute to their full capabilities. When we talk about the organization culture, specifically RIL focuses on high performance work culture which fosters innovation, entrepreneurship, inclusiveness, teamwork and continuous improvements. Among all RIL basically focuses on innovation and has a innovative council for promoting the same. The company believes hat it is the innovation in thinking and execution that has made RIL reach where it is today. The firm belief of innovation being the differentiator for future and the source of competitive advantage shows the importance that is given to it. RIL in the early 1990s did suffer from low employee participation in improvement activities and low customer satisfaction. The introduction of various quality improvement tools in the facilities like the Total Quality Management( TQM), Kaizen Activities and customer focus approach led to the improvement in quality, productivity improvement and customer satisfaction in the organization. RIL realizing the importance of human and intellectual capital for business success, has given more importance to the use of its human potential and the creation of Learning organization to help in continued success in future. RIL in its importance to the health and safety also has also initiated Safety, Health and Workplace Environment Program (CASHe) – which is an initiative to promote healthy workplace and reducing health and safety risk has been instrumental in creating a culture of implementing health, safety and environment project on a priority basis. This program has also been able to improve the performance of the company on the occupational health and safety front. The Health and Safety Principles that were put forward in this regards to articulate the stakeholders expectation along with the existing values of the company underpin both the corporate culture and cooperation across the company. The growing importance of Corporate Governance by RIL shows its priority towards a transparent and accountable organization thus being able to meet the needs of all the concerned stakeholders. The publication of annual corporate governance report is one important aspect showing its growing inclination towards it and its aim to have fair and equitable treatment of its employees, shareholders, customers and investors. They aim to provide timely and balanced disclosure of all material information concerned towards stakeholders. Moreover they aim to have a sound system of risk management and internal control. The existence of code for board of directors and board committees, code of business conduct and ethics for director/management personnel signifies the existence of the culture driving the whole organization towards effective corporate governance. RIL has a long and strong tradition of supporting the larger communities that it connects with – from education, health, drinking water, large-scale development of employable skills, to assistance during natural calamities such as earthquakes and cyclones. The Reliance Foundation would address social development imperatives of India, specifically quality, formal and vocational education, affordable high-quality health care, meaningful rural development and urban renewal, and protection and promotion of India’s priceless heritage of arts and culture. Management in simple words are characteristic ways of making decisions and relating to subordinates. Different management styles and employed by different organizations depending on the prevailing culture, the nature of the business, the nature of the task and the personality and skills of the leaders. RIL is an organization which is operation in multiple facets. They have multiple manufacturing facilities at multiple locations where by dealing in different product ranges. The supreme authority of the company is Board of Directors. But they have given much more independence to the individual units at different level to take decisions at their level. There is a good mix of corporate level strategy (taking RIL as a whole which is set up by the BOD) as well as appropriate business level and operational strategies at each segment as well as business units to accomplish the corporate level strategy. Every unit which is a part of RIL has its own hierarchy, headed by the CEO or the President, but a more of a democratic style of leadership is seen. Since they promote innovation and value their human capital they promote participative environment at different levels of management to be able to make a better and informed decision. Empowering the employees in RIL is relevant. However the level of decisions and intensity of problems are defined whereby decisions can be taken at particular level of management. Management Control Systems Internal Controls RIL has a comprehensive system of internal controls to safeguard the Company’s assets against loss from unauthorised use and ensure proper authorisation of financial transactions. The Company has an exhaustive budgetary control system to monitor all expenditures against approved budgets on an ongoing basis. The Company’s accounting process is based on uniform accounting guideline that sets out accounting policies and significant processes and deadlines on a company wide basis. There are inding directives for internal reconciliations and other accounting operations. The Company maintains a system of internal controls designed to provide a high degree of assurance regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial controls, and compliance with laws and regulations. RIL has well established policy towards maintaining the highest standards of health, safety and environmental norms while maintaining operational integrity. This policy is strictly adhered to all RIL manufacturing facilities. The Company has an internal audit function, which is empowered to examine the adequacy and compliance with policies, plans and statutory requirements. It is also responsible for assessing and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance process. The management duly considers and takes appropriate action on the recommendations made by the statutory auditors, internal auditors and the independent Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. Internal Checks and Balances.
Everyone has neighbours, that much is obvious. Whether they live down the street or if they live within throwing distance. Every person, every family, and every neighbourhood is different. Some neighbours can be very inconsiderate, and then there are some who are very considerate towards helping and respecting others. The inconsiderate neighbour is the one constantly playing loud music, and when someone complains they do not change their ways at all. The considerate neighbour may be the one who is always lending a helping hand; even before you ask for help.Then there is the silent neighbour, who may fall into either category, being considerate or inconsiderate depending how you want your neighbours to be. Whether your neighbours are the inconsiderate loud type or the considerate, over friendly and helpful type it is all about personal preference and how you want your neighbours to be and act towards you. All types of neighbours are an important part to each community, they can help u s to learn to communicate and relate to all different types of people. Whether they are noisy and inconsiderate, silent and keep to themselves, or if they are helpful and considerate, they are all our neighbours.An inconsiderate neighbour may be the worst type of neighbour to have. They can be anything from loud to Just plain out rude. An inconsiderate neighbour is usually the one who stays up late and comes home late, driving fast, squealing their tires around corners, and slamming the car doors. They play loud music with no cares as to who is sleeping. The worst part is the typical inconsiderate person has bad taste in music, so when they get home late playing loud music it is usually bad music; which makes it even worse. Playing loud music and coming home late is not the only thing that makes someone inconsiderate.And inconsiderate neighbour does not care for anyone or respect anyone, this neighbour will not change their ways due to complaints from others. Every street has its fa ir share of inconsiderate neighbours; neighbours and I all share the same feeling towards one family. They always tend to ask favours and never do anything in return. They have come to my cottage many times asking to use the phone, computer, or some type of tool. But if anyone in my family or I was to ask a favour we would get shooed away, and feel as if we are intruding or being a pain by asking a small favour.These same neighbours have sed my family dock many times and have broken parts off it at least two times. They never offer to offer to fix it or even apologize. The one time was when these specific neighbours had their boat tied to the dock and we needed to tie our boat there, but of course their boat was taking up all the room, and left us in an awkward position where we could not even park at our own dock. Of course the typical inconsiderate neighbour is stereotyped in playing loud music and most of the time it is bad music. And of course these neighbours at my cottage play their fair share of bad music; at least I think it is bad music.Many people may feel that an inconsiderate neighbour is the one who is rude, disrespectful, plays bad music loudly, and who has no care for the opinion of others. Some people may even believe that the silent neighbour who keeps to themselves is being inconsiderate. A silent neighbour may be an inconsiderate or considerate neighbour. It all depends on personal preference, about how you want your neighbours to act towards you. If you prefer to have neighbours who keep to themselves and stay silent, then these types of people you may say are very considerate neighbours.Although others may say someone who keeps to themselves, who does not attend eighbourhood activities or who does not lend a helping hand when needed, are very inconsiderate. Although everyone has their own idea of a perfect neighbour we usually are not lucky enough to live beside the perfect neighbour. A silent neighbour I think is a good neighbour; they ke ep to themselves and mind their own business. I have a few neighbours at my cottage who I would consider â€Å"silent†neighbours. There is many times where they Just mind their own business and do not attend neighbourly gatherings for no apparent reason.These neighbours specifically do not even allow their children to play with other young children in the area. A few years ago I was put in a situation where I had to ask one of my silent neighbours who was an ex- nurse for a favour. I had cut my finger badly while baking and needed to go to the hospital to get stiches, neither my brother nor l, who were the only ones home at the time, were able to drive. We went across the street and asked one of our neighbours who we barely talk to if she could look at my finger and drive me to the hospital if needed.Of course she was able to tell me I needed stitches and drive me to the hospital. Sometimes these neighbours come off as inconsiderate, but I believe they Just refer to keep to themselves and not be bothered. Of course in case of an emergency these neighbours are always there to help if asked, or if something needed to be borrowed. I believe silent neighbours are good neighbours, because most of the time they are considerate towards your being, considerate towards loud music, and will be there for a favour if you ever needed and asked.There are many neighbours who Just prefer to keep to themselves, and then there are neighbours who are always out and There are all types of considerate and inconsiderate neighbours, someone who is oud or stays out late, I would consider them inconsiderate. There are also many types of considerate neighbours, those who Just keep to themselves, then those who are extremely helpful and friendly. I believe having considerate and helpful neighbours is always a good thing. They are there to help before being asked, and they always have the tools you need to borrow.The typical helpful neighbour is always very friendly and outgoing, they are always outside or around on the street, talking to or helping other neighbours. The helpful neighbour always has the proper tools or items you would need for whatever it is you are doing. At my cottage there are many neighbours who will come and help with a project if you ask for help. But when I think of one specific neighbour who is extremely helpful and very friendly, there is one person who sticks out in my mind. We all know someone, or have someone on our street or at our cottages that is like this.My experience with this helpful neighbour is whenever we have to take the docks out it in the fall or put the docks back in, in the spring. There has been a few times my family has been taking docks out, or putting them in cold 15 degrees Celsius water and this specific eighbour came down to my cottage and Just Jumped into the water to help, even without asking if we needed help or if we even wanted help. This small gesture done by this neighbour always sticks out in my min d because he came and helped without is asking for help.My dad is the type of person who I would consider a helpful neighbour, he will always offer help to someone but will not ask for help when he needs help. The other day he was helping out a neighbour who is adding an extension on to his house. One of the roof beams had fallen and landed on my dad's forehead. He had to go to the hospital and get 24 stitches and a scan for a oncussion. When he was out of the hospital I asked him if he would go back and finish helping the neighbour, and he said of course he would.My dad is the type of person I would enjoy having as my neighbour, he is always there to lend a helping hand no matter what has occurred. Typically a helpful neighbour is very friendly and outgoing. My neighbour at the cottage and my dad are both very friendly and outgoing, at times it becomes a little bit excessive but we all enjoy having extra help, especially with Jobs we do not want to do. There are many types of neigh bours, noisy and loud, silent and private, or riendly, outgoing and helpful.Everyone has the perfect neighbour they wish they could have, but most of the time we get stuck with a few inconsiderate and a few considerate neighbours. But all these types of neighbours are what makes our communities exciting and fun. Everyone has neighbours and everyone has the perfect idea of how they want their neighbours to be and act. My perfect neighbour would be ones who have fun, and enjoy themselves but who are respective to those around them, when they come home late, by not slamming doors or squealing tires in the middle of the night.My erfect neighbour would be friendly, helpful, and outgoing to an extent. They would know how to mind their own business and not intrude, but when invited out or to a neighbourhood gathering they will attend. Writing this has me thinking about what type of neighbour I am. I believe everyone has their moments of being a perfect neighbour could be makes me thankful to the neighbours who I have at my house and my cottage. All neighbours share their own part in our community, they help us to learn to communicate, and relate to inconsiderate and considerate people. Makes you wonder, what type of neighbour are you?
Friday, August 16, 2019
History – Does General Haig Deserve the Title the Butcher?
General Haig's status prior to the Battle of the Somme had been remarkable. In 1885 General Haig was commissioned in the cavalry and served in several campaigns – Sudan and in the Boer War in South Africa between 1899 and 1902. In the Boer war General Haig had served with distinction and showed a lot of potential and was later promoted to the war office. Many people during this period after his first taste of success thought he had a lot of potential. And he didn't disappoint. In august 1914 when WW1 had started, General Haig was commanding his first army corps.General Haig and his men fought in several battles e. g. Battle of Mon and Battle of Ypres – In which he was very successful. All of this success lead to extremely high expectations of him as WW1 had started. However General Haig's title of ‘the butcher of the Somme' originated after the First World War, when, due to large number of casualties Britain suffered from the war and mostly the Somme. In which 20, 000 died in the first day of the Battle and many were injured. The people of Britain wanted someone to blame.This was a coping mechanism in which people could deal with the loss of the ‘lost generation'. Does General Haig deserve the title ‘Butcher of the Somme'? In this essay I will discus whether General Haig deserves to be remembered as ‘the butcher of the Somme'. General Haig's title of ‘the butcher of the Somme' originated after the First World War, when, due to large number of casualties Britain suffered from the war and mostly the Somme. The people of Britain wanted someone to blame. This was a coping mechanism in which people could deal with the loss of the ‘lost generation'.Arguably Haig does deserve his nickname. This is because Haig sent thousands of men to their deaths continuously after his war efforts seemed not to be working. For instance 60,000 soldiers died in the first day alone in the battle of the Somme. The reason that so many peopl e died was that Haig ordered his men to walk across no-mans land. They were easy targets for the German machine guns. However Haig assisted Britain in winning the war and although he did so with tremendous loss of life, these men did not die pointlessly.They died to protect their families and everyone else on the home front, and they died to prevent Britain from becoming a German Nation. Haig was also faced with an almost impossible task of winning the war in the quickest means possible. Haig was under constant pressure from the government to have a large victory to boost morale. This factor as well as the fact that Haig was not used to the tactics of a war of attrition may have caused Haig to act rashly and therefore if he was not under so much pressure he may have acted differently. Haig was also fed false Intel that was meant to boost morale.Haig was advised that his seven day artillery bombardment had proven to be successful (the aim of the bombardment was to brake all the barbe d wire and kill most of the Germans in the trenches) therefore he ordered his men to walk across no-mans land and look for mines. This shows that he thought about what to do and what was in the best interest for his men as there was no point in telling his men to run across no-mans land to be blown up by mines. It is debatable that Haig deserves his nickname as, while his men are starving in the cold and muddy trench, Haig is sipping French wine.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Killing a whole family Essay
Rodolfo again faces Eddie’s angry side, which asks him to get out of his house. But Rodolfo has nothing to do with him and is more concerned of the arrival of Marco, which could lead to sparks flying between his brother and Eddie. He calls out to Catherine to leave now, while Beatrice suggests to Eddie to leave the house and go somewhere else. But Eddie refuses to move as this was his house, and now Beatrice is totally fed up with his behaviour and asks him that why he hates Marco now. Eddie refers to the time when Marco called him a rat and claimed that he had killed his children, which he says caused such hatred. Now Rodolfo tries to make things better by apologizing from his brother’s behalf and he takes all the troubles and brings up the comradeship. But Eddie still sticks with his claim that Marco stole his name and asks Rodolfo to tell him to give it back in front of the whole neighbourhood. Eddie feels that this explanation isn’t enough, now Beatrice can no longer hold the truth. She knows what Eddie wants, and in front of everyone and the arriving Marco, she says †you can never have her. †Beatrice asks Eddie to bid farewell to his niece forever, and that †truth is not as bad as blood. †Catherine is shocked, Eddie I horrified and †[clenching his fists]†he denies having such thoughts and asks Beatrice what made her think like that. Marco now calls out for Eddie and Eddie’s attention is diverted as he steps out of the apartment to challenge Marco. Rodolfo pleads them to stop and tells Eddie that he would be killing a whole family. But nothing can stop Eddie now and he has a murderous look and with a bit of fake laugher puts forward things that they have done wrong. He says that he knows that Marco feels that what h did wasn’t right and should apologize for taking his name away and accusing him for killing his children despite the fact that he put his roof over them and food in their mouths. He further provokes Marco by repeatedly calling him a liar and then they get physical as Eddie lunges at Marco. Marco strikes him in the neck and calls him a animal. Eddie goes down and when it seems Marco has full control of the situation, Eddie brings out a knife. Louis tries to stop Eddie, but Eddie is totally out of control and he lunges with his knife at Marco, who with a final cry of †Anima-a-a-l! †grabs his arm and presses the blade into Eddie. Mike and Louis separate the pair, but time has run out for Eddie whose words to Beatrice were his last ever. Beatrice covers Eddie while people around are praying, lights shine on Alfieri who is in the crowd. So as the play has progressed, this dominant and generous hero of the play is made to seem like a selfish and rude villain, who’s immense love, narrow minded nature and feelings of insecurity have led to him falling into his own trap of death. I do indeed think that Eddie was responsible for his own death, and it was bound to happen as soon as he had made the phone call which in my view was the hubris, the point of no return. But just like Alfieri, the audience does tend to feel sorry for this hard-working man, who despite having displayed his generosity, his life had to end in this manner. His selfishness and his flaw, which was his immense love, ate him up, and he was always very stubborn to his decisions and never took advice from either Alfieri or Beatrice. His deterioration was clear and could be monitored as he first felt honoured to welcome the Italian brothers, then when they he entered he asked them when they would leave and towards the end asked them to get out of their house. When Alfieri says at the end of the play, †And yet it is better to settle for half†, he is trying to send a message that despite the fact that Eddie displayed honest emotions through out, he still never compromised with everyone because of his narrow-minded beliefs and that eventually cost him his life.
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