Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Traditional Approaches to Industrial Relations Research Proposal
Traditional Approaches to Industrial Relations - Research Proposal Example If the modern human resource is more equipped, then the fact that today's employees have not remained like their predecessors in following up the traditional managerial authority can also not ignored. Employees are more educated along with the qualities of more likely to question than to accept managerial authority, more focused on their own career development than on the organization's interests, more mobile and are less loyal to their workplaces. Many managers see these characteristics in a negative light and advance them as yet more reasons why performance planning and review won't work. In fact, these characteristics of employees make today's employees 'knowledge' workers and today's human resource 'knowledge management'. The jobs of these 'new' employees present new challenges for managers but, handled effectively, these challenges are a key to better individual and organizational performance. For example, knowledge-based jobs might involve high levels of non-repetitive work, with frequent changes in demand and direction making the prediction and planning much more difficult and uncertain. Other features of knowledge work also have an impact on the management of performance. (Rudman, 2003, p. 17) Amon Among most researchers working in the context of Human Resource paradigm, it is the explanations that matter any link to firm performance is secondary. It is assumed that societies, governments or regions can have HRM practices and policies as well as firms. At the level of the organization, the organization's objectives and the strategy adopted are not necessarily assumed to be 'good' either for the organization or for society. (Millward, 2000, p. 5)
Monday, October 28, 2019
Psychoanalytical Approach to Family Counseling Essay Example for Free
Psychoanalytical Approach to Family Counseling Essay Whether one is conscious of it or not, we all have our respective worldviews. The way we view life in general and our approach to it is the worldview that control and guide us in every decision that we make – in the way we cope pressures, and even as we celebrate and enjoy good days. Since on a particular worldview a person stands or falls, it is very important to constantly check and evaluate one’s philosophy of life. If I will be asked the question: â€Å"Which philosophy is the best philosophy? †The best answer that I can come up with is, â€Å"Of course, the philosophy that encourages intellectual development. †Christianity is a religion that has been compared, every now and then, to many philosophical persuasions; and most of the time, it was either mixed with other worldviews which were totally strange to it, or the proponents of other strange worldviews have attempted to enjoin Christianity to their philosophy, which inevitably have resulted in confusion and clever duplicity in individuals who follow and experiment into this game (Cheung, 2007, p. 34). For generations, people in different civilizations have become witnesses of how their fellows advocated multiple philosophical disciplines. In fact, today, if one would just observe closely, many hold a compound of various beliefs that got rooted and accumulated for years in the family via environmental conditioning. The by-product of this kind of influence is an individual who cope through the varying situations and circumstances of life with the competence of a chameleon. This kind of approach will not properly help in the development and growth of a person as he or she wades his/her way through college. Contrary to the perception of many, the Biblical Worldview is the one philosophy that encourages the pursuit of true knowledge. It, in fact, commands the engagement of the intellect in the pursuit and exploration of true scientific studies. What precipitated the period of Enlightenment? Was it not when people were hungry for the Truth (Shelley, 1982, p. 55)? And these are periods in the history of humankind when the Biblical Worldview was being brought to the fore of society’s endeavors. If there are two philosophies that developed naturally from one to another, they are Judaism and Christianity. The flow of growth from beginning to consummation is recorded in the Old and the New Testament of the Bible (Escalona, 2008, p. 87). B. Literature review The Extent of Usefulness of the Theory A survey in literature reveals that there is little evidence so far in studies that deliberately seek to determine the efficacies of psychodynamic approach in comparison with any of the other approaches in the treatment of abnormal behavior. A few which came out, in particular one research looked into the applicability of treatment in anorexia and bulimia cases which utilized the psychodynamic model and other models such as cognitive orientation treatment. Results of the experiment by Bachar et al (1999, p. 67) showed positive outcomes where this particular approach was used. It must be remembered that mainstream psychology and psychiatry widely use the cognitive model in explaining and treating abnormal behavior. In the controlled, randomized study by Bachar and team members however, the research highlighted the efficacy of psychodynamic approach in the treatment of anorexia and bulimia disorders. Other studies however show that therapists usually employ a combination of cognitive and psychodynamic approaches or an integrative method in the psychological treatments and interventions (Kasl-Godley, 2000, p. 92). Many of the cases today then, support this view rather than a single method in an efficacious treatment of many of these mental and emotional diseases. The disadvantages of the psychodynamic approach in many of the studies done based on a using this as a single method is that of the apparent difficulty of precise measurements on the treatment procedure itself. The approach usually is limited by whether it can be exactly replicated. Specifically, one other limitation or disadvantage is that the cause of phenomena (i. e. , symptom substation) cannot be located. In addition, another setback is that not all individuals can be hypnotized when using hypnosis in the therapy especially (Kaplan, 1994, p. 431). Reference: Bachar, Eytan, Yael Latzer,Shulamit Kreitler, Elliot Berry 1999. Empirical comparison of two psychological therapies: Self Psychology and Cognitive Orientation in the treatment of Anorezia and Bulimia. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. American Psychiatric Association 8:115-128, Freud, Sigmund. [1901] 1990. The psychopathology of everyday life. New York. W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. Halonen, JS and JW Santrock, 1996. Psychology: Contexts of Behavior, Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark, p. 810. Hilgard, ER, RR Atkinson, and RC Atkinson 1983. Introduction to Psychology. 7th ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanich, Inc. Hurlok, E. B. 1964. Child Development. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Kaplan, HI, BJ Saddock and JA Grebb. 1994. Kaplan and Saddock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behaviroal Sciences clinical psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. Kasl-Godley, Julia 2000. Psychosocial intervention for individuals with dementia: An integration of theory, therapy, and a clinical understanding of dementia. Clinical Psychological Review. Vol. 20(6). Leahey, B. B. 1995. Psychology: An Introduction. Iowa: WCB Brown and Benchmark. Rathus, S. A. 1990. Psychology 4th ed. Orlando Fl. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Sdorow, L. M. 1995. Psychology, 3rd ed. Dubuque, IA:WCB Brown and Benchmark Publishers Santrock, J. W. 2000. Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill. ________ Models of abnormality http://intranet1. sutcol. ac. uk:888/NEC/MATERIAL/PDFS/PSYCHO/ASPSYCHO/23U2_T5. PDF Part II. Integration Section A. Introduction Nowhere is counseling more relevant than the conditions and dilemmas faced by man today. The Bible mentions about the the fears that assail humans then during the early days, and which will be experienced also as time draws to a close. Jeremiah 17:8 implies about the kind of fear which some if not many, will succumb â€Å"when heat comes†(RSV). This illustrates as well that the stressful days are but natural to one’s existence; an affliction to being born into a fallen world. Ephesians 2 is even more clear what befalls on a person who is â€Å"dead in trespasses and sins†(KJV); he is subject to the dictates of a world system (v. 2a, KJV), being in the clutches of the evil spirit (v. 2b, KJV), and awaits the anger that God has on them (v. 3, KJV). All these may position any individual to a life of anxiety, depression, wrongful habits ((v. 3, KJV), substance abuse and other addictions that definitely determine the deterioration of overall mental and physical health. The functioning therefore of any person may be compromised and taxed to the limits, producing individuals who are abusive and getting abused. When not operating in optimal condition, man is sure to experience what psychology tends to diagnose and label as malfunctioning and maladjusted; at worst, the evidence of mental institutions’ existence only shows how this truth has long been spoken about in the Bible. Hence, the Bible becoming more relevant, and a theologically and scientifically trained counselor is even more needed these days. In the field of counselling, the primary considerations that those in the field who are practicing directly or indirectly have something to do with the previously held belief system, or the worldview or philosophy behind the notion of human behaviour. This goes to say that one who ventures into the business of healing and curing emotions and psychological problems must get into a thorough understanding of his/her personal approach to the study of human behaviour. The counselor seeks to explain human nature, the issue of sin or prbably emphasizing or reducing the Scriptural mandate and God’s verdict (whichever side he/she is on), and which eventually dictates intervention strategies, if any. It is even bold as to say that counseling in whatever front is basically â€Å"religious†in nature because in the end, what is upheld or emphasized by the counselor expresses deep-rooted philosophy or religious beliefs. The paper thus seeks to present a personal understanding of how practice in counseling is believed to be done considering the personal qualities, depth and realizations of Biblical truths (this is pre-eminent), and many of the nitty-gritty concepts that comprise the practice of counseling in one’s context. Being in contemporary America, with the recent economic meltdown that leave many surprised and shocked of the reduction of most of their economic capabilities to barely the minimum, being relevant as a counselor is not only a necessity, but it is the very important ingredient to helping many survive with their mental faculties intact. Therefore, this paper makes bold assumptions about human nature in general, how this is addressed in various situations that the average man will be meeting, and how growth (which is interpreted as a positive direction the individual will take) in all areas of his existence may take place. B. Psychoanalytic therapy Leading figures Primary importance is given into the development of one of the most influential disciplines in the world today and that is psychology. This is due to the fact that psychology seemed almost foremost in virtually every kind of decision making process that man makes. Because of this serious biblical ministers and/or scholars or theologians have long studied these effects and have come up with their answers and with their verdict. A Brief History of Modern Psychology by Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr. (2006, p. 23) starts to trace the roots of psychology when Wundt, in 1879, initiated what is now recognized as the first psychology laboratory. The author Benjamin satisfies the reader on what made the psychology today a very much pursued subject of interest as well as a career. Tackling on the lives of the people foremost in this discipline, the book made an otherwise boring and usually uninteresting subject matter into an exciting topic any student will be able to handle. The author mentioned details of the pioneers’ lives and the social milieu that characterized their lives and culture during their day which in all realistic evaluation had made its contribution to what their theoretical perspectives had developed. Other important highlights include the development of psychological tests and assessment techniques that Stanford and Binet spearheaded among others. The following narrative on one of psychology’s key players and foremost in what is now known as the â€Å"first force†in the field gives the reader the importance of their contribution to cotemporary psychology (Benjamin, 2006, p. 76). -Freud, Sigmund Viennese neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis (1856-1939) took his medical degree at the University of Vienna in 1881 and planned a specialist’s career in neurology. Lack of means forced him to abandon his research interests for a clinical career. His interest in what was to become psychoanalysis developed during his collaboration with Josef Breuer in 1884, which resulted in Studies in Hysteria, The Interpretation of Dreams appeared in 1900, Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex in 1905, and the General Introduction to Psychoanalysis in 1916 – a book which contained the evolving theory of the libido and the unconsciousness, in subsequent years, Freud’s outlook became increasingly broad as revealed by the titles of his later works (Benjamin, 2006, p. 54). C. Psychoanalytic Theory The psychodynamic perspective is based on the work of Sigmund Freud. He created both a theory to explain personality and mental disorders, and the form of therapy known as psychoanalysis. The psychodynamic approach assumes that all behavior and mental processes reflect constant and unconscious struggles within person. These usually involve conflicts between our need to satisfy basic biological instincts, for example, for food, sex or aggression, and the restrictions imposed by society. Not all those who take a Psychodynamic approach accept all of Freud’s original ideas, but most would view normal or problematic behavior as the result of a failure to resolve conflicts adequately. This paper attempts to distinguish itself in trying to not only understand the theory that Freud pioneered and polished by some of his faithful followers but especially determine the extent of its usefulness in explaining and treating abnormal behavior.. It is the aim of the author to present in precis a description and explanation of the psychodynamic approach and its usefulness in the context of abnormal behavior (Kaplan, 1994, p. 657). To interpret the theoretical framework of Freud in the context of the Christian religion or Biblical Christianity is essential in order to discover whether their fundamental teachings can mix well in mainstream Christianity. Freud taught about the personality constructs of id, ego and superego; about free association, instincts (life and death); his very controversial psychosexual stages of oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital; the fixation and cathexis concepts. In general this is a theory of personality dynamics which is aimed at the motivational and emotional components of personality. It sounds good that according to Freud, man inherits the life and death instincts (libido and mortido). In the Biblical perspective, however, all these concepts are traceable to the sinful nature which all human species have inherited from the first couple Adam and Eve. In some portions of the Biblical record (Roman 5:12), Adam is said to be the federal head and from him has proceeded both sinful nature, which is inherent in all men, and death – which is the Fall’s eventual outcome. The Bible highlights sin as the main problem of all of the manifestations of abnormality as reflected or manifested in the psyche or human behavior (Bobgan, 1987, p. 543). This theory discounts religion’s God’s pre-eminence, sovereignty and will, and active role in a person’s life. It also discounts man’s ultimate accountability before an almighty God. Moreover, it discounts many of the fundamentals that the Bible teaches, like sin and repentance, just Freud’s other followers propounded (Bobgan, 1987, p. 544). Fundamentally, environment is not to be blamed. Nothing could be more accurate than stating it in exactly the same manner that the Apostle has echoed the true state of affairs. It is somehow true to say, â€Å"It’s all up in the mind. †People violate neighbors because first they have violated the laws of God. And so, â€Å"In the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness†(Eph. 4:17-19). As daily news in the headlines air everyday, and practically speaking, people have made it their daily business to work driven by greed, never minding what they leave behind in their wake. Because the fight has long been lost – which is in the level of consciousness – everyone now is at the mercy of chance, relationally, in this world. And it goes both ways. Many of the disorders or mental illnesses recognized today without a doubt have their psychodynamic explanation aside from other viewpoints like that of the behaviourist, or the cognitivists. From simple childhood developmental diseases to Schizophrenia, there is a rationale that from Freud’s camp is able to explain (Kaplan et al, 1994, p. 76, 98, 456). I. The Psychodynamic concepts A. Theory of Instincts Libido, Narcissism, Instincts and Pleasure Reality Principles. Freud employed â€Å"libido†to denote to that â€Å"force by which the sexual instinct is represented in the mind. †This concept is quite â€Å"crude†or raw in its form hence this refers far more than coitus. Narcissism was developed by Freud as his explanation of people who happened to have lost libido and found that in the pre-occupation of the self or the ego, like in the cases of dementia praecox or schizophrenia. Persons afflicted with this mental illness appeared to have been reserved or withdrawing from other people or objects. This led Freud to conclude that a loss of contact with reality is usually common among such patients. The libido that he conceptualized as innate in every person is herein explained as invested somewhere else and that is precisely the role of self-love or narcissism in the life of one afflicted. The occurrence of narcissism is not only among people with psychoses but also with what he calls neurotic persons or in normal people especially when undergoing conditions such as a physical disease or sleep. Freud explains further that narcissism exists already at birth hence, one can expect realistically that newborn babies are wholly narcissistic (Sdorow, 1995, p. 67). Freud classified instincts into different distinguishing dimensions namely: ego instincts, aggression, and life and death instincts. Ego instincts are the self-preservative aspects within the person, while aggression is a separate construct or structure of the mind which is not a part of the self-preservative nature of the human mind. Its source is found in the muscles while its objective is destruction. Life and death instincts called Eros and Thanatos are forces within the person that pulls in opposite directions. Death instinct is a more powerful force than life instinct (Rathus, 1988, p. 55). The pleasure and reality principles are distinct ideas that help understand the other aspects of Freud’s theory. The latter is largely a learned function and important in postponing the need to satisfy the self (Sdorow, 1995, p. 98). B. Topographical theory of the mind Much like real physical mapping or description of a land area, the topographical theory appeared as attempt to designate areas of the mind into regions; the unconscious, the preconscious, and the conscious. The Unconscious mind is shrouded in mystery (Kaplan, 1994). It is the repository of repressed ideas, experiences and/or affects that are primary considerations when the person is in therapy or treatment. It contains biological instincts such as sex and aggression. Some unconscious urges cannot be experienced consciously because mental images and words could not portray them all in their color and fury. Other unconscious urges may be kept below the surface by repression. It is recognized as inaccessible to consciousness but can become conscious by means of the preconscious. Its content is confined to wishes seeking fulfilment and may provide the motive force for the formation of dream and neurotic symptoms. In other words, unconscious forces represent wishes, desires or thoughts, that, because of their disturbing or threatening content, we automatically repress and cannot voluntarily access (Santrock, 2000, p. 43). The Preconscious is a region of the mind which is not inborn but developed only when childhood stage is beginning to emerge. The preconscious mind contains elements of experience that presently out of awareness but are made conscious simply by focusing on them. Freud labelled the region that poked through into the light of awareness as the Conscious part of the mind. Conscious thoughts are wishes, desires, or thoughts that we are aware of, or can recall, at any given moment. It is closely related in understanding as that of the organ of attention operating with the preconscious. With attention the individual is able to perceive external stimuli. However, Freud theorized that our conscious thoughts are only a small part of our total mental activity, much of which involves unconscious thoughts or forces (Leahey, 1995, p. 433). C. Structural Theory of the Mind Freud conceptualized the mind into what is called as three provinces equivalent to its functions: the id, ego and superego. The id is that aspect which only looks forward to gratifying any of its desires and without any delay. The ego is the structure of the mind which begins to develop during the first year of life, largely because a child’s demands for gratification cannot all be met immediately. The ego â€Å"stands for reason and good sense†(Freud, 1901, p. 22), for rational ways of coping with frustrations. It curbs the appetites of the id and makes plans that are compatible with social convention so that a person can find gratification yet avert the censure of others. In contrast to the id’s pleasure, the ego follows the reality principle. The reality principle has a policy of satisfying a wish or desire only if there is a socially acceptable outlet available (Halonen et al, 1996, p. 43). The superego develops throughout early childhood, usually incorporating the moral standards and value of parents and important members of the community through identification. The superego holds forth shining examples of an ideal self and also acts like the conscience, an internal moral guardian. Throughout life, the superego monitors the intentions of the ego and hands out judgment of right and wrong. It floods the ego with feelings of guilt and shame when the verdict is negative (Halonen et al, 1996, p. 43). As children learn that they must follow rules and regulations in satisfying their wishes, they develop a superego. The superego, which is Freud’s third division of the mind, develops from the ego during early childhood (Hurlock, 196, p. 66). Through interactions with the parents or caregivers, a child develops a superego by taking on or incorporating the parents’ or caregivers’ standards, values, and rules. The superego’s power is in making the person feel guilty if the rules are discovered; the pleasure-seeking, id wants to avoid feeling guilty. It is motivated to listen to the superego as a moral guardian or conscience that is trying to control the id’s wishes and impulses (Hilgard, et al, 1979). From the Freudian perspective, a healthy personality has found ways to gratify most of the id’s demands without seriously offending the superego. Most of the id’s remaining demands are contained or repressed. If the ego is not a good problem solver or if the superego is too stern, the ego will have a hard time of it (Halonen et al, 1996, p. 43). D. Therapeutic goals Sigmund Freud offered a psychoanalytic viewpoint on the diagnosis and understanding of a person’s mental health. Other perspectives, the behavioristic paradigm offers to see this in a different light. The psychoanalytic perspective emphasizes childhood experiences and the role of the unconscious mind in determining future behavior and in explaining and understanding current based on past behavior. Basing on his personality constructs of the Id, Ego and the Superego, Freud sees a mentally healthy person as possessing what he calls Ego strength. On the other hand, the behavior therapist sees a person as a â€Å"learner†in his environment, with the brain as his primary organ of survival and vehicle for acquiring his social functioning. With this paradigm, mental health is a result of the environment’s impact on the person; he learns to fear or to be happy and therein lies the important key in understanding a person’s mental state. Considering that the achievement and maintenance of mental health is one of the pursuits of psychology, the following is a brief outline of what psychologists would endorse a healthy lifestyle. The individual must consider each of the following and incorporate these in his/her day to day affairs: 1. The Medical doctor’s viewpoint – well-being emphasis than the illness model 2. The Spiritual viewpoint- a vital spiritual growth must be on check. 3. The Psychologist’s viewpoint- emotional and relationship factors in balance. 4. The Nutritionist’s viewpoint – putting nutrition and health as top priority. 5. The Fitness Expert’s viewpoint- Exercise as part of a daily regimen. The theory I have in mind then is an amalgamation of several approaches, primarily the integration of the Christian worldview and the theories set forth by Cognitive-behaviorists and psychoanalytic models, and biological/physical continuum. There are other good models but a lot of reasons exist why they cannot be â€Å"good enough;†a lot depends on my own personality. Being authentic to who you are, your passion, is effectively communicated across an audience whether it is a negative or positive one. The basic way of doing the â€Å"amalgamation†or integration is that the Christian worldview takes precedence over the rest of the approaches. Although many of the concepts and premises of each theory mentioned are sound and at times efficacious, when it clashes with the faith-based theory, the former must give way to the latter. It is understood then, that I thoroughly examined each of the theory and set them against the backdrop of spirituality. Interpreting a problem that a client suffers for instance, entails that the theoretical viewpoint that I am convinced with, has better chances of properly understanding the maladjustments that the client had been suffering. To come up with the balanced worldview (an integration in other words), the balance between the realms mentioned, including the true frame of human individuals and the true nature of God (or theology) are properly considered. Thoroughly accepting the fact that there is no contest between the natural and the spiritual; only that troubles arise when one realm is overemphasized at the expense of another. This thin line or slight tension between the two levels is best expressed in the personhood of Jesus Christ, who was a perfect man as well as God. If we start to equate ourselves with that notion (which is usually happening) and we start to think that we are balanced, then we surely lack understanding or real self-awareness of the fact that we are deeply and seriously out of balance and this is one reason why we need help. ~ What are your general goals in therapy? Christian counseling admittedly embraces in reality, a basic integration of the biblical precepts on the view of man and psychology’s scientific breakthroughs in addressing the dilemmas that beset human individuals. Depending on the persuasion of the practitioner, especially whether he or she comes from either the purely theological or â€Å"secular†preparation, Christian counseling can either lean to certain degrees of theology or psychology. According to Larry Crabb, â€Å"If psychology offers insights which will sharpen our counseling skills and increase our effectiveness, we want to know them. If all problems are at core spiritual matters we don’t want to neglect the critically necessary resources available through the Lord by a wrong emphasis on psychological theory†(Crabb in Anderson et al, 2000). Dr. Crabb’s position certainly ensures that science in particular, has its place in counseling in as much as theology does. He made sure that all means are addressed as the counselor approaches his profession, especially in the actual conduction of both the diagnostic and therapeutic or intervention phases (Crabb in Anderson et al. , 2000). Trauma inducing and crisis triggering situations have spiraled its occurrence and in its primacy in the US and in many other countries in recent years. Its broad spectrum ranges from the national disaster category such as that of Hurricane Katrina or the 911 terrorist strikes in New York, Spain and England, to private instances such as a loved one’s attempt at suicide, the murder of a spouse or child, the beginning of mental illness, and the worsening situation of domestic violence (Teller et al, 2006). The acute crisis episode is a consequence of people who experience life-threatening events and feel overwhelmed with difficulty resolving the inner conflicts or anxiety that threaten their lives. They seek the help of counselors, paramedics and other health workers in crisis intervention centers to tide them over the acute episodes they are encountering. These are defining moments for people and must be adequately addressed else they lead lives with dysfunctional conduct patterns or disorders (Roberts et al, 2006). In the integrated or eclectic approach the goal of the therapy is not just relief to the patient or client. Although an immediate relief is very helpful, this may not always be the case in most illnesses. The goal as mentioned in the preceding pages is to provide long-term reduction of the symptoms and the occurrence of the disease altogether if possible. The management then is not impossible but neither is this easy. Specifically, the counselee or patient must want to heal or believe that there is going to be curative effects in the process. It presupposes that he/she must learn to trust the therapist in his/her capabilities as well in leading or facilitating the changes or modifications. It is very much essential that (in the perspective of a cognitive-behaviorist) that the client understands ownership to the deeds and choices in thought patterns he/she made are crucial to the recurring or occurring condition that s/he experiences (Rubinstein et al. , 2007; Corey, 2004). Moreover, the identification of specific treatments or interventions according to the diagnosed issue will be accommodated and implemented based on the chosen treatment modalities fit with the therapeutic approach utilized. It may be a single modality based on a single approach (e. g. , learning principles and desensitization for a patient with specific phobias) or it maybe a combination of many modalities (CBT, Rogerian, Phenomenological, or Family systems) (Rubinstein et al. , 2007; Corey, 2004). E. Summary Every theoretical approach has its own assumptions. In the psychodynamic theory, the following three assumptions help guide a student of human behavior or an expert in this field determine the underlying factors that explain the overt manifestations of specific behaviors. These assumptions therefore, help guide the diagnosis of the presence or absence of mental illness. They are the same assumptions that guide the therapist in choosing what treatment that will better help heal, cure or alleviate the symptoms. These assumptions are: â€Å"There are instinctive urges that drive personality formation. †â€Å"Personality growth is driven by conflict and resolving anxieties. †â€Å"Unresolved anxieties produce neurotic symptoms†(Source: â€Å"Models of abnormality†, National Extension College Trust, Ltd). The goals of treatment here include to alleviate patient of the symptoms is to uncover and work through unconscious conflict. The task of psychoanalytic therapy is â€Å"to make the unconscious conscious to the patient†(â€Å"Models of abnormality†, National Extension College Trust, Ltd). Employing the psychodynamic viewpoint, the therapist or social scientist believes that emotional conflicts, or neurosis, and/or disturbances in the mind are caused by unresolved conflicts which originated during childhood years. Reference: Corey, Gerald, 2004. Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Thomson Learning, USA. Corey, Gerald. 2001. The Art of Integrative Counseling. Article 29: â€Å"Designing an Integrative Approach to Counseling Practice†Retrieved May 9, 2009 in http://counselingoutfitters. com/vistas/vistas04/29. pdf Crabb, Larry, 2000. Found in Anderson et al resource. Christ-centered therapy. http://books. google. com/books? id=Rn-f2zL01ZwCpg=PA11lpg=PA11dq=effective+biblical+counseling+by+larry+crabb+critiquesource=webots=WFVYLIqP1nsig=MqIhqE_XfGzIQODAKV5iMPjqz14#PPA19,M1 Davison, Gerald C. and John M. Neale. 2001. Abnormal Psychology. Eighth ed. John Wiley Sons, Inc. Ellis, Albert 2001. Overcoming Destructive Beliefs, Feelings, and Behaviors: New Directions for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Prometheus Books Kaplan, HI, BJ Saddock and JA Grebb. 1994. Kaplan and Saddock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences clinical psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. Benjamin, Ludy T. Jr. 2006. A brief history of Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition. Bobgan, Martin Deidre. 1987. Psychology: Science or Religion? From Psychoheresy: The psychological seduction of Christianity. Eastgate Publishers. Retrieved May 6, 2009. http://www. rapidnet. com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/psych. htm Boring, Edwin G. et. al. 1948. Foundat
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Urging the Acceptance of Plus Size Fashion Essay -- Health Weight Body
Throughout the centuries, history finds women doing whatever they can to fit into the current cookie cutter mold of popular, accepted society. From the whale bone corsets of the late 1800s to the psychedelic style of hippies in the 1960s and 1970s, one major trend that followed these fashions through the ages is weight. For the past fifty years or so, since the dawn of models like Twiggy and Verushka von Lehndorff, the world turned away from the â€Å"plus size†and opened its arms only to the phenomenon of thin. But what did society think of plus sized fashion in a time when thin was unaccepted? A web article from sheds some light on the subject: â€Å"In the past, a big beautiful body was associated with health and wealth. As a matter of fact, up until the 1960’s, BBW and plus size women were lauded for their beautiful physiques. The plus size woman appeared in almost all of the fashion photographs, films, and paintings of the 1920’s-1950’s†(Brown). According to, plus size means â€Å"an extra-large size category of clothing, esp. for women.†(plus). However, recent years have shown a push towards plus size, and even â€Å"real†size fashion. This can especially be seen in the banning of very skinny models from Madrid Fashion shows, and the more liberal Full Figured Fashion Week. While the acceptance of plus size fashion continues to increase, it still does not completely conform to the wants and needs of its wearers. Full figured, curvy, big-boned - any woman who describes herself with these terms automatically finds her self categorized into the â€Å"plus size†by retailers and manufacturers. Today, plus size generally encompasses sizes 14W to 30W, however some retailers consider sizes as low as a... ...odel-ordinary-women-No-Miss-England-finalist-fat-lazy-poster-girl-ill-health.html>. Lacey, LB. "What Size Is the "Average" Woman?" Full & Fabulous Inc. - A State of Mind, Not a Dress Size! Web. 28 Nov. 2010. articles_view.asp?articleid=17064>. Morton, Camilla. "Show Report - John Galliano Spring/Summer 2006." Vogue Magazine, 8 Oct. 2005. Web. 29 Nov. 2010.,2862#. The Phit. Digital image. Missphit. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. "plus size." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 26 Nov. 2010. . Postrel, Virginia. "The Real Reason That Ann Taylor Hates Plus Sizes." Blog | Double X. 9 June 2009. Web. 29 Nov. 2010.,0.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Evolution of globalization
In 1492 the process of globalization began when Christopher Columbus unintentionally â€Å"discovered†the â€Å"new world†. The  cultures  of  the Nahua, Inca, Maya, and Spanish  peoples during the contact and conquest periods (1400s-1600s) was one of the factor that led to globalization. The different  cultural, economic, social, philosophical, and political systems of these peoples, both before and after conquest  cast an shadow of  these cultures, though conquered, shape the Spanish-American colonial system as it developed in these regions. The blend of different civilizations: The present linguistic situation in ‘Merida’ has engrossed its roots from the pre-colonial period of Mexico. The first Crenellation took place during the final voyage of, Christopher Columbus in the year 1502. When his ships entered Spain  the people over there didn’t know they were listening to the Mayan language. The first Mayan word they heard was â€Å"turquin†which translates to gold and money as wealth was the main goal of Christopher’s expeditions. Two Spanish explorers who were stranded in Mayan land were  later found by conquistador Cortes . One of the stranded explorers was Aguilar who served as a interpreter between the two civilizations. Later ‘castellano’ language was developed and till now it is in use. The two entirely different civilizations was plunged as thick roots into the nation. Castellano Vs Maya-Yucateco : The new linguistic politics began with the catholic missionaries in the sixteenth century The Spanish priests had to learn the language of the pupils who were mostly Mayans. Formal studies of Maya- Yucateco was done and the first dictionary was brought out in 1546. The colonization of Yucatan  was mainly  because of the Mendicant Landa. The learning of Maya-Yucateco continued until the eighteenth century . For many reasons there was little teaching of ‘castellano’ language to the Mayans . Linguists have divided the variations spoken by Mayans into 30 different languages. They are all included in generic term ‘Maya’. Discrimination: The language was one of the factor that  divided people from the globalization. There were the people who supported the Mayan literature and some saying that ‘castellano’   was something uncontrollable and inevitable, the product of modernization. Discrimination arouse for the Mayans in Merida. They were denied access to certain places and discouraged from being in others. This is a situation that is still in the existence. Mayans developed a passive resistant syncretism to the spiritual conquest that was imposed upon them. Though cultures accepted military defeat, but in an effort to keep some semblance of former lives pays a service to the Spaniard religion, still practicing the hated idolatry in secret. While the conquerors were assimilating Mayans, the Mayans were assimilating the conquerors religion.this resulted in the extension of the interrogation by Spaniards to the new world in  paradox  of  Christianity  at the time. Conclusion  : The evolution invoked by Christopher Columbus led to globalizationIn turn it resulted in a revolution that brought discrimination Until now it continues to be the present situation. The endless †¦ Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Elements of Fiction in Dandelion Wine
Easily Mistaken Imagine, a killer is on the loose in your own town and he is known for murdering young woman in the ravine that splits the town in half. You and your friends decide to go see a movie and you know that by the time that you get out it will be dark and you’ll have to walk down the ravine to your house all alone, which earlier that day your own friend was found dead in, what do you do? This is the decision Lavinia Nebbs is faced with in the book Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury.Many elements in the story create lots of suspense; three would be setting, foreshadowing and characterization. The setting played a huge role in the success of the suspense in the story. Since the ravine where the bodies were found split the town, Lavinia was forced to cross it to get home since she decided to not stay with her friends and her safety was questioned. â€Å"The ravine was deep black and black black! And the world was gone behind, the world of safe people in bed, the locked doo rs, the town, the drugstore, the theater, the lights, everything was gone†(73).The words used to describe this dark, lonely ravine makes the reader feel as if they were right there standing with Lavinia seeing, hearing and feeling everything that’s going on, along with what’s in her head. It’s scary to think of being alone with not a soul in sight and knowing that there’s possibly a killer out there just waiting. â€Å"Lavinia Nebb walked alone down the midnight street, down the late summer silence. She saw houses with dark windows and far away heard a dog barking†(72).This is also a good example of the description of the setting because the reader can tell how alone she really was do to no one else in town wanting to go out at night with the Lonely One roaming around. It sounds almost like Lavinia is in a deserted town with just her and the ravine. The way Bradbury incorporated nature into the setting also gave it a little more of a spooky feel. â€Å"The crickets were listening. The night was listening to her. For a change all of the far summer-night meadows and close summer trees were suspending motion†(75). This use of personification creates a feeling of uncertainty for the reader.The way that he gives the plants and animals human like qualities and says they are â€Å"listening†to her makes the night sound even more gloomy and eerie. The use of foreshadowing also helped to create suspense in the story. At the beginning of the story when the neighbors said â€Å"Won’t catch us out on no night like this, not with the Lonely One strangling women. Lock ourselves up in our closets with a gun†(64). It gives the reader a little bit of an idea of what might come up in the story, even though the Lonely One only usually strikes once a month and their friend Elizabeth was already found that day.Also knowing that Lavinia will be walking home alone, it causes the reader to worry if she’l l make it home alive or not. Then when they were all at the theater and the manager asks them to leave as soon as the movie was over sounded a little suspicious as well. â€Å"The police have asked us to close early tonight so everyone can be out at a decent hour†(69). This shows that even the police know that anything is possible with a murderer and they don’t just have a specific time that they can or can’t commit a murder so they want everyone in town to be safe. Yet even this doesn’t stop Lavinia from wanting to walk home alone.The ladies didn’t listen to the manager either, instead of going straight home they stopped by the drug store on the way. â€Å"Man sitting at the counter watched you walk out. Said to me ‘Who’s that? ’ Why that’s Lavinia Nebbs, prettiest maiden lady in town, I said†(69). The store manager also told Lavinia and her friends that the stranger asked where she lived and he told him where. It’s assumable that this stranger could quite possibly be the Lonely One and even with that thought in mind Lavinia still decides she’ll be okay walking alone with full knowledge that a stranger, possibly a killer, knows where she’ll be.The last element that created suspense in the story was characterization. The main character Lavinia was portrayed as a fearless, risk taker, who’s overly confident and has no common sense. She felt too safe in a town with a murderer running around and her careless actions could have cost her life. â€Å"’It’s early. Lonely One won’t be out til’ late. ’†(65). This is a quote from Lavinia herself, which alone proves her stupidity. A murderer doesn’t just have a certain time that they check to see and make sure it’s not too late or early, if they want to kill someone they’ll do it no matter the time.It wasn’t smart of her to just assume that he wouldnâ₠¬â„¢t be out early, especially if it was still dark even though it wasn’t that late in the day. â€Å"‘Lonely One won’t kill three ladies,’ said Lavinia, ‘There’s safety in numbers’†(68). She uses the saying â€Å"there’s safety in numbers†when she knows eventually she would be walking alone, therefore she completely contradicts herself. Just to be walking down a ravine alone at night takes no common sense let alone doing it when your own friend just got murdered there and a stranger asked who you are and where you live.She also puts on a fearless act when she’s around her friends but when it came down to her being alone and scared her thoughts ate away at her. â€Å"‘Oh bosh the police,’ laughed Lavinia, ‘I’m not afraid of anything’†(70). She says that she isn’t afraid but the second she’s walking alone down the ravine she catches herself almost runnin g down the steps and swears that she hears someone following her. She then even starts praying to God, and panicking, saying that she’ll never do that again if he just lets her live. Yet when she was with her friends it was as if there was nothing wrong at all.The fact that the story takes place in a town split by a ravine, the hints that the author gives, and how the main character Lavinia changes her attitude completely throughout the story created suspense in Dandelion Wine. The ravine was scary because it was so dark, long and empty, also the murders had been committed in it. The foreshadowing the author used put different thoughts in the reader’s mind of who could be the killer and if Lavinia was going to be the next victim. Also, the decisions she made by not staying with her friends and walking home alone made you wonder if she would even make it there..
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Streetcar Named Desire Essays
A Streetcar Named Desire Essays A Streetcar Named Desire Paper A Streetcar Named Desire Paper Essay Topic: A Streetcar Named Desire Literature Some critics suggest that Williams takes no sides in the conflict between Blanche Stanley. Do you agree? I feel that this statement is partially untrue; at certain points through the play Williams chooses a side to tell the story from rather than a favourite character. Blanches initial character was to represent that of Williams and Stanleys, the bad aspects of life that abuse the weak. Although saying this about Stanley he does show some true good qualities and genuine emotions within the play and at the same time Blanche shows the whit and knowledge to rise above Stanley. Throughout A Streetcar Named Desire Williams can switch from one character to another in who he is favouring, and who has the power in the scene can change almost instantly with either force from Stanley or a quick witted line from Blanche. He portrays faults in both Stanley and Blanche and we see from the very beginning of the play that they have many differences, starting from their backgrounds and upbringing. The only thing that ties them together and the one reason they are introduced is Stella, Stanleys wife and Blanches sister. The awkward first meeting shows the ower struggle immediately from the first scene, although both characters are civil towards each other, even though it may be difficult for Stanley. [Drawing involuntarily back from his stare]: You must be Stanley. Im Blanche. Blanche is the visitor and yet is the one to start the conversation. She has introduced herself to Stanley in his own house. The audience would expect him to be a bit more welcoming and instead he is quite hostile towards her, Stanley has no respect from women and sees them as either sex objects or someone to clean up after him his lack of respect is also shown when he begins making conversation with er whilst removing his clothes, has also has absolutely no respect for what others think or if they would be uncomfortable with a half naked man around. He does ask if its all right to remove his top after his long day at work but before she replies has already removed it, he just assumes that she will be happy as she is in his home. This shows he is not really interested in her answer and it was just a formality and it was just a shocking moment of politeness that he even asked. Blanche thinks she can use this for an advantage to herself, he would be so simple, like a toy for her to play ith and manipulate, it seems apparent that she is not ware of how strong his character actually is. There are quite a few scenes within the play where it seems that Blanche has the upper hand in what is going on, showing slight favouritism from Williams. In scene two for example as Blanche is getting changed, Stanley is outside getting quite annoyed and almost reverts to the animal within him, shown when he starts throwing her belongings and acting irrationally at the amount of belongings Blanche has and how expensive he believes they are, Stanley assumes that Blanche has swindled the Kowalskis out of money when Belle Reeve was lost to the family. As Blanche enters from the bathroom the conversation ensues. At first Blanche seems to belittle Stanley and his supposed manly card game, making it almost seem like a childs game with his child-like friends I understand theres to be a little card part to which we ladies are cordially not invited. Beginning the conversation with this gives Blanche the upper hand from the start. During their lengthy discussion a battle takes place for control which switches places many times. When ou walked in here last night, I said to myself My sisters married a man of course that was all I could tell about you This shows Blanche to be flattering and rather flirtatious giving her the upper hand. An example of Stanley getting control is when he shouts [booming] now lets cut the re-bop! This is a clear indication that Stanley uses a more violent way of getting his own way, whereas Blanche prefers to out wit or flatter her victims. He hasnt been fooled by Blanches flattery and he seems fed up with it, with this comes his control of the conversation and with slight suggestion that Williams favours him at this point. Yet at the end of their part in scene two it is Blanche who comes out on top and in control with the power. Here all of them are, all papers I herby endow you with them! here Stanley cant respond with anything as it seems like he has got what he wishes but it is Blanche with the last words. On the other hand when Stanley mentions the baby he may regain some of that control by sharing a secret Blanche doesnt know and playing Blanche with her own games, by being smart mouthed and using his intelligence rather than brute force. Williams takes no sides in deciding Blan che and Stanleys personalities. They are both portrayed as bad people. Stanley, a rapist and a dominant husband who always wants things his way and Blanche being a former prostitute whos outspoken even when it is rude. One instance of this is when she firsts meets with Stella after a long time apart. But you, youve put on some weight, yes, youre just as plump as a partridge. It seems the ordeal she faced in Belle Reeve has turned her bitter and now she resents her sister; this can be shown when she talks to Stella about what happened. How in hell do you think all that sickness and dying was paid for? Death is expensive, Miss Stella Sit there and stare at me, thinking I let the place go! There is evidence of Stanley always wanting his way is in scene three, when the card game takes place, he feels that he has all control in the house and doesnt need permission or feel the need to ask out of common courtesy. [Stanley stalks fiercely through the portieres into the bedroom. He crosses to the small white radio and snatches it off the table. With a shouted oath, he tosses the instrument out of the window] He doesnt consider the fun that Blanche and Mitch are having hilst listening to the radio, or the possibilities Mitch has of forming a relationship with Blanche all he cares about is what he wants happens. Williams not only shows Stanleys fierce animal behaviour but his lack of consideration for others. The ending to this play actually seems to lean in Stanleys favour. After raping Blanche and keeping his wife, including newborn son, the fact that Blanche is leaving is another added bonus seeing as he has regained control and power over his house. Whats more is that because Blanches growing insanity peaks at the end of the play, Stella seems to have no choice but to elieve Stanley is telling the truth when saying Blanche lied about the rape as Blanches state of mind does her no favours when it comes to who is telling the truth. On the other hand one person doesnt believe him, and that is Mitch. [Fiercely] you, you done this, all o your God damn interfering with things Having angered one of his best friends Stanley hasnt won everything in the end. The interesting thing about A streetcar named desire is that the play and the feature film have different endings, with the film showing Stella leaves Stanley at the end, permanently. Judging on this ending I believe that Williams takes no sides in the conflict between Blanche and Stanley as Blanche may go to a mental institution, but Stanley looses everything dear to him. Although it isnt what Williams wrote, it is a more audience friendly ending with the bad character getting found out. This was designed specifically for cinema so good has to conquer evil, even if it is only a minor win of the battle. Although Stanley seems to get the last laugh in the play, throughout it I believe Williams shows them both equally in personalities, lines and their endings.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Why Starting and Staying Organized Is Critical To Marketing Success
Why Starting and Staying Organized Is Critical To Marketing Success Every day, consider your marketing career mindset. You can plan all you want, but at some point, you need to get to work, create something your audience will love, and launch it. You’ll probably make mistakes and face roadblocks along the way. But whatever goal you have for your marketing strategy, getting and staying organized will help you on your path to success. Today, we’re talking to Kelly Napoli, who is the content marketing coordinator at Obermiller Nelson Engineering (ONE). Learn how to collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs), importance of taking risks with your marketing, and why starting is more important than anything else. ONE is trying a bit of everything with its content marketing to see what works and what doesn’t Marketers should pick SMEs’ brains to figure out what clients find interesting It works better and smoother to have a conversation with SMEs vs. asking them to write marketing content Lessons Learned: Once you’ve got a plan, implement it or nothing gets done Personas: Have conversations about your target market Provide audience with content that’s beneficial for them; at the same time, you don’t necessarily want to give away your secret sauce Efficient collaboration with remote teams involves utilizing tools, including phones and video chats Email is not always the most efficient way to communicate advances you through the collaboration and communication process Organization is Key: Find what works for you; for ONE, it’s You pay for software, so use it; focus on what needs to get done If you have multiple projects and tasks, stay organized by using task templates and Excel spreadsheets Going from two to four new blog posts monthly to be consistent and productive; publish content to produce results and influence certain perceptions Get organized in chaos behind marketing management; turn to , learn from your mistakes, and find software to help you stay organized Links: Seth Godin Obermiller Nelson Engineering Start with Why by Simon Sinek Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Kelly Napoli: â€Å"Since we’re just starting out, we’re kind of trying a little bit of everything to see what works and what doesn’t.†â€Å"I’m not that subject-matter expert. Working with that content partner has been huge.†â€Å"You can spend hours and hours and hours putting together a plan, but somebody’s got to implement it, otherwise nothing gets done.â€
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Cunto se demora la green card por trabajo
Cunto se demora la green card por trabajo El tiempo de demora de la tarjeta de residencia por trabajo varà a desde apenas unos meses de tramitacià ³n ordinaria hasta esperas variables de varios aà ±os. La diferencia radica en la categorà a de visa de trabajo por la que se obtiene la tarjeta de residencia. (Y en algunos casos tambià ©n afecta el paà s de origen). Categorà as en las que no hay espera para la green card por razones de trabajo Cada aà ±o fiscal se conceden 140,000 tarjetas de residencia por motivos de empleo, divididas en diferentes categorà as. Las denominadas 1, 2, 4 y 5 no tienen que esperar a que haya visas disponibles, porque el nà ºmero de visados es superior al de peticiones. Pero,  ¿quà © empleos estn comprendidos en esas categorà as? Anualmente se conceden hasta un mximo de 40,000 visas en la categorà a 1. Dentro de esta hay tres tipos de empleos posibles: EB-1 (a), para la crema de la crema profesionalmente hablando. Pueden aplicar por ellas personas extranjeras con habilidades extraordinarias en las Artes, las Ciencias, el Deporte, la Educacià ³n o los Negocios. Son profesionales tan excepcionales que no necesitan tener una oferta de trabajo. Es decir, pueden aplicar ellos mismos por la tarjeta de residencia, sin patrocinador. EB-1 (b), para profesores universitarios o investigadores sobresalientes con al menos de tres aà ±os de experiencia profesional reconocida internacionalmente. Es necesario que tengan una oferta de trabajo y que la solicitud para la tarjeta de residencia la presente una universidad o un instituto, pà ºblico o privado, de investigacià ³n. EB-1 (c), para ejecutivos o gerentes que lleven al menos tres aà ±os trabajando en el extranjero para una filial o subsidiaria de una empresa americana. Tampoco hay tiempo de espera para la categorà a 2 (EB-2), para la que hay reservada 40,000 tarjetas de residencia por aà ±o fiscal. Pueden beneficiarse los profesionales con una maestrà a o doctorado o, en el caso de tener sà ³lo una licenciatura, debern tener cinco aà ±os de experiencia laboral. Tambià ©n encajan en esta categorà a las personas con habilidades excepcionales en los Negocios, las Artes y las Ciencias. Es decir, deben ser muy superiores a la media en su campo. Aunque generalmente se necesita una oferta de trabajo y que el empleador solicite la tarjeta de residencia para ellos, hay casos en los que el extranjero que cumple con los requisitos arriba mencionados puede solicitar la green card por sà mismos si puede probar que la aprobacià ³n de su solicitud servirà a los intereses nacionales de los Estados Unidos. De hecho, hay abogados especialistas en este tipo de casos que se conocen con las iniciales NIW (por Waiver por interà ©s nacional, en inglà ©s). Otra categorà a sin tiempo de espera es la 4 (EB-4), que son conocidos como Emigrantes Especiales. Es necesario que el empleador americano solicite la tarjeta de residencia para ellos mediante la planilla I-360. Pueden beneficiarse por esta categorà a: Sacerdotes, monjas, rabinos y otros trabajadores religiosos.Ex trabajadores del Canal de Panam.Ciertos miembros del Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos.Empleados jubilados de organizaciones internacionales y dependientes.Asimismo, trabajadores en el extranjero del Gobierno estadounidense. En este à ºltimo caso, la peticià ³n de la green card no debe hacerse mediante la I-360, sino que debe utilizarse la planilla DS-1884. Por à ºltimo, los inversores dentro de la categorà a 5 (EB-5) tampoco estn sujetos a disponibilidad de visas y espera. Hay que resaltar que aunque no hay tiempo de espera por visas en las categorà as arriba mencionadas, hay unos meses de demora en la tramitacià ³n ordinaria. Tiempo de espera para la categorà a 3 y otros trabajadores Los trabajadores que obtienen la tarjeta de residencia por la categorà a 3 (EB-3) o por la de otros trabajadores esperan en estos momentos cuatro aà ±os y medio, para los casos de ciudadanos de Latinoamà ©rica y Espaà ±a. Otros paà ses, como India o China tienen tiempos de espera superiores. En la categorà a 3 y en la de otros trabajadores recaen: Profesionales con licenciatura (B.A. o B.S.).Personas sin estudios superiores pero con una habilidad profesional especial y experiencia laboral de al menos dos aà ±os.Personas sin habilidades especiales pero cuyo trabajo requiere una experiencia laboral de al menos dos aà ±os. Para esta subcategorà a no pueden otorgarse ms de 10,000 tarjetas de residencia por aà ±o fiscal. Las personas que estn esperando por una green card en esta categorà a pueden verificar los tiempos de espera en el Boletà n de Visas del Departamento de Estado, teniendo en cuenta la fecha de prioridad de su aplicacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, tener en cuenta que para esta categorà a es siempre necesario obtener una certificacià ³n laboral y tener una oferta de empleo y que el empleador estadounidense realice la peticià ³n de la green card mediante la planilla I-140. Se recomienda tomar este test para verificar que se tienen los conocimientos necesarios sobre green card.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Tea Party Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Tea Party Movement - Essay Example Many critics observed that the critics from Paul were meant for individual benefits especially as campaign tools. He was quoted in his speech saying, â€Å"I think Congress is about 20 years behind†(Ron Paul’s Speech). In his speech ,he dwelt on the on the need to critically articulate the issues related to foreign and domestic strategy issues, which he said they negatively impacted on the economy and he said the country was headed to a worst economy crisis. It is ironical that Ron Paul’s criticism was on the same congress, which he is part of. He is one of the unsuccessful members of the congress, yet he appears the top critic. Ronald Ernest â€Å"Ron†Paul is one of the renowned United States Congressman and emerged to be repeat presidential candidature, having contented for the presidency in 1988, 2008, and 2012. In the year 1988, he was presidential candidate for Libertarian Party in the 12 years break in the years when he was Republican Congressman. In 2008, Ronald Ernest was presidential nominee for Republican Party. He believes on the supremacy of the Constitution and he never proposes a bill to be approved in the Congress, unless it is provided in the constitution. He is presently contesting for presidency under the nomination for Republican Party in the United States (Schoen & Rasmussen 102). He is leading critic of both American foreign and financial policies, prominent for openly opposing the Republican Party where he belongs on certain contentious issues.
Friday, October 18, 2019
A clinical incident Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
A clinical incident - Essay Example Mr. Halliday who had just undergone surgery for gastric carcinoma under general anaesthesia had respiratory distress during my posting in the post operative room. The anaesthetist advised tracheostomy. Immediately my senior whom I had assisted twice already in the procedure and observed it being done by her many times, posted me to the duty of assisting the anaesthetist to do it. I had half an hour to prepare myself, the patient and the family for the procedure. The moment that I learned that I had been posted, I felt a little shaky. Could I go through with it? It was my first participation in a tracheostomy. The senior boosted my confidence and told me she would be around if assistance was needed. First I ensured the availability of the emergency tracheostomy kit. I had to speak to the patient and his family of wife and son about the procedure and its outcome. The patient himself was a little hazy from the anaesthesia of surgery. The wife and son were easily convinced but they wanted to know whether it is just for now or long term. Informing them that it has been intended for a short duration now and is being done for controlling the secretions, I felt pleased that things had started off smoothly. Checking the list that is used for the packing of instruments and other equipment for the emergency tracheostomy during preparation for autoclaving, I felt everything needed had been ready. The outer tube, the snugly fitting inner tube, the flange which lies against the patient’s chest and the 15mm termination which fits all ventilators and respiratory equipment were the main components necessary (Tracheostomy care working group, 2000). The optional parts were the cuff which helps fix the tube in position, the air inlet valve which prevents the escape of air, the air inlet line which would allow air to move from the air inlet valve to the cuff and the pilot cuff which is an indicator of the amount of air in the cuff (Tracheostomy care working group,
What is the difference between management and leadership Essay
What is the difference between management and leadership - Essay Example Leadership refers to the task of guiding people towards the achievement of some specific goals and objectives. According to Cherry (2010), leaders encourage their followers to utilize their full potential and get new opportunities to learn. They view the need for change as an opportunity for their followers to grow in their professional lives and increase their levels of productivity (Elkington, 2010). They motivate people to use their skills and abilities to get their personal, social, political, or organizational needs and demands fulfilled. The role of leaders in the process of goals achievement is to identify the need of the followers, make them aware of their responsibilities to fulfill those needs, design and give an effective strategy to the followers, and motivate them to continue putting efforts to achieve the goals. On the other hand, managers do things in a programmed manner. They do everything to fulfill organizational needs and hardly focus on the needs of employees. Another difference between leaders and managers is the way they develop policies. Managers always think incrementally and set priorities and goals according to the needs and limitations of the company’s policy. On the other hand, leaders think radically towards bringing change in the current policies and organizational structure. They do everything to meet the interests of their followers. This difference shows that managers always have to follow the policy of their respective organizations in carrying out any job related activity, whereas leaders are independent in doing whatever they want and whichever way they want. They listen to the concerns of their followers and guide them in all phases of all social, political, and organizational movements. They work for collective interests to get things done collectively. Managers monitor and control the activities of their employees. They do so to achieve
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business improvement and creativity for PUMA company Essay
Business improvement and creativity for PUMA company - Essay Example The PUMA company owns the brands Tretorn, Cobra Golf and the brand PUMA. The company, which was incepted in 1948 distributes its services in over 120 countries, staffs more than 11000 workers and has headquarters in Hong Kong, Boston and Herzogenaurach in Germany. This paper applies Kotter’s 8 Stage Change Model approach to summarize business improvements of PUMA Company. A focused and informative analysis of the theory is done with the aid of a diagram analysis. The analysis of the theory is based on its weaknesses and strengths and case analysis of PUMA organization. Challenges, impact sustainability, resistance, current strategy, turnover, profit and audit are key points discussed in the paper in respect to PUMA’s case study. Finally, the paper provides recommendations in view of what the company should do to support sustained improvement and success. Focused and Informative Theory Analysis Kotter’s 8 Stage Change Model: Step one of this model stresses on the need to create urgency. In order for change to occur, in an organization, the entire management must embrace the change (Schacter, 2002). Developing a sense of urgency around the needed anticipated change helps in sparkling the motivation to have things done (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993). This step encompasses identifying potential threats and developing scenarios, which indicate what, is likely to happen in the future, examining opportunities to be exploited, requesting support from customers, and stakeholders and providing dynamics and reasons to get people thinking and talking. In order for the change to be effective, 75 percent of the management need buy into the idea. Therefore, significant energy and time is required for building urgency prior moving to the next stage. Stage two is the form of a powerful coalition, which involves convincing participants that change is necessary. This point requires visible and strong leadership from senior people within the organization. Tom (1 982) argues that to effect change, bringing together influential people or a coalition from various professions remains critical. After the formation of the coalition, it should operate as a team by continuing to build momentum and urgency around the need for change (Hersey and Blanchard, 1977). Step three demands creation of a vision necessary for change. Solutions and great ideas should be linked to an overall vision, which people can easily remember and understand (Madaza and Agere, 1999). A central vision helps members to understand the importance of their contribution (Deal and Kennedy, 1982). The leaders should therefore establish the values, which are crucial to the change, develop a summary, which captures the organization’s vision, practice the vision speech, create a strategy to implement the vision and ascertain the member fully comprehend the vision. Stage four is centered on communicating the vision. Communicating the vision frequently is indispensable at the sli ghtest opportunity that arises (Hammer and Stanton, 1995). The newly created vision should be applied daily to solve problems and when making decisions. This helps member to remember to the contents of the vision and apply in their departments. For the leaders, walking the talk is critical in demonstrating
Business Perpetuates Rather Than Reduces Inequality in the Society Essay
Business Perpetuates Rather Than Reduces Inequality in the Society - Essay Example This to a great extent has not been the case; in fact in many cases business has perpetuated inequality in the society. These inequalities are mainly manifested when it comes to the personnel in the business organization. The inequality comes in three major regimes; gender, class and race. This paper discusses how business increases inequality in the society rather than reducing it. Discussion First I will define the inequalities that occur in business organizations. As stated earlier the main ones are class, race and gender. Class refers to the differences in control over and access to the resources of the business organization. Class differences are manifested during employment and the wages that are paid. The hierarchies that may be created in organizations may create a wide gap between the top management of the business organization and the workers at the bottom. In large corporations the Chief executive officers sit at the top and wield more power than other workers in the busin ess. Such class difference might not be experienced in small businesses but still the owner or boss has class power over employees. Gender inequality is seen in the difference in beliefs of identities of men and women. Despite efforts to try to close the gender gap in business organizations, most top positions in organization management are still held by men while the low white collar positions like clerks and secretaries are dominantly held by women. Supervisory duties have always been assigned to men in many business organizations. This brings about gender inequality because men and women are not treated equally (Smith 2002). Race inequality comes about because of differences in physical characteristics, oppression, culture and historical domination justified by the underlying beliefs. Businesses owned by certain races in some cases discriminate other races when it comes to employment. They might fail completely to employ the other races or they may employ them and give them junio r positions. There are other differences that might be the base for inequality in business organizations. These include sexuality, religion, physical disability and age. Some business organizations may discriminate against the homosexuals when it comes to employment. There are also cases where certain religions have been discriminated in business organizations. These differences might be vital but they do not carry more weight like gender, race and class in creating inequality. The main intention of business organizations is to make profits (Banerjee 2012). The requirements that are placed for work ensure that the organization does realize profits. These requirements may cause inequality between genders and classes. In a business organization work is designed in favour of men who are totally dedicated to earn a living and do not have other responsibilities for family demands or children. Eight hours of continuous working, giving the work maximum attention, arrival on time and being able to work for extra hours if need arises are some of the general requirements for employees in business organizations. Since it is mostly the workers at the lower level who perform duties that are vital for the realization of profit for the business, it is not easy to relax these requirements for them. On the other hand, the top management may bend these rules for their members. A manager for the business organization may work in the organization on part time basis, may not be required to arrive early, he may also be undertaking other business and is rarely required to work for extra hours. This is not true for a junior employee. Since it is the top management
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business improvement and creativity for PUMA company Essay
Business improvement and creativity for PUMA company - Essay Example The PUMA company owns the brands Tretorn, Cobra Golf and the brand PUMA. The company, which was incepted in 1948 distributes its services in over 120 countries, staffs more than 11000 workers and has headquarters in Hong Kong, Boston and Herzogenaurach in Germany. This paper applies Kotter’s 8 Stage Change Model approach to summarize business improvements of PUMA Company. A focused and informative analysis of the theory is done with the aid of a diagram analysis. The analysis of the theory is based on its weaknesses and strengths and case analysis of PUMA organization. Challenges, impact sustainability, resistance, current strategy, turnover, profit and audit are key points discussed in the paper in respect to PUMA’s case study. Finally, the paper provides recommendations in view of what the company should do to support sustained improvement and success. Focused and Informative Theory Analysis Kotter’s 8 Stage Change Model: Step one of this model stresses on the need to create urgency. In order for change to occur, in an organization, the entire management must embrace the change (Schacter, 2002). Developing a sense of urgency around the needed anticipated change helps in sparkling the motivation to have things done (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993). This step encompasses identifying potential threats and developing scenarios, which indicate what, is likely to happen in the future, examining opportunities to be exploited, requesting support from customers, and stakeholders and providing dynamics and reasons to get people thinking and talking. In order for the change to be effective, 75 percent of the management need buy into the idea. Therefore, significant energy and time is required for building urgency prior moving to the next stage. Stage two is the form of a powerful coalition, which involves convincing participants that change is necessary. This point requires visible and strong leadership from senior people within the organization. Tom (1 982) argues that to effect change, bringing together influential people or a coalition from various professions remains critical. After the formation of the coalition, it should operate as a team by continuing to build momentum and urgency around the need for change (Hersey and Blanchard, 1977). Step three demands creation of a vision necessary for change. Solutions and great ideas should be linked to an overall vision, which people can easily remember and understand (Madaza and Agere, 1999). A central vision helps members to understand the importance of their contribution (Deal and Kennedy, 1982). The leaders should therefore establish the values, which are crucial to the change, develop a summary, which captures the organization’s vision, practice the vision speech, create a strategy to implement the vision and ascertain the member fully comprehend the vision. Stage four is centered on communicating the vision. Communicating the vision frequently is indispensable at the sli ghtest opportunity that arises (Hammer and Stanton, 1995). The newly created vision should be applied daily to solve problems and when making decisions. This helps member to remember to the contents of the vision and apply in their departments. For the leaders, walking the talk is critical in demonstrating
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Views of the Managers in the International Organisations Regarding Research Paper
The Views of the Managers in the International Organisations Regarding Global Convergence - Research Paper Example According to some academics, globalization can lead to a single model, which closely resembles with that of American Corporate Governance Model as they believe that it is the most successful model. Some of the people in spite of supporting convergence thesis do not agree that it has to be a copy of Anglo-American convergence model. According to them, a hybrid system can emerge on the basis of the best features of the prime governance models and also supports the hybrid stream of thinking of the Standard School. But, according to the Diversity School academics, global convergence will not happen. According to them, cultural diversity and the difference in legal as well as economic systems along with the variant aspirations and goals prevalent in the society will not lead to global convergence. Mainstream governance thinking is highly influenced by geographical boundaries. It is practically impossible to find two countries with identical characteristics of corporate governance; actuall y, each country is characterised by its unique governance model. The corporate Governance model is referred to as the specific structures and processes, which are embodied in a country’s institutional, legal and cultural context. Attention towards corporate governance has mainly grown out of shareholder activism of the institutional shareholders in the Anglo-American context. Under the pressure of shareholder activism, the listed firms along with the stock exchange authorities realised the need for good corporate governance.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Against equality of opportunity Essay Example for Free
Against equality of opportunity Essay Rawls is a little to extreme to apply to television presenting as his theories but the point is still there that just because your talented in one area you shouldnt be put on a new level. People who were not successful in the genetic lottery should be helped to, this can clearly be applied to the success sport stars receive because of their bodies, not something everyone can choose. Dworkin is similar Rawls, all should be treated with the same rules, Dworkin however places a much higher value on ambition rather than endowment. People should receive equality of resources not welfare, with society rewarding those with the ambition, those who make the effort. In the context of this essay therefore the sport star would be the one who benefits. They can be seen as making a huge effort and having the determination to succeed in an entirely competitive world, they therefore should get the job over someone who hasnt shown the same level of ambition or effort in their life. Cohen however finds this harder; he argues that ambitions and endowments are difficult to evaluate and to distinguish between. Ambitions are integrally related to endowments, those with intelligence and talents might have more ambition, just as much or they might have less, we do not know. As with Dworkin, the reason people do well is responsibility of choice. Sport stars are people who have a talent, the reason they do well is because they do not squander it, they make the right choice to do well in their life. The reason people are unsuccessful is down to irresponsible choices or sometimes bad luck. Sport stars therefore should get jobs in presenting if they chose to try that career and are good at it, at the same time however the successful do have a responsibility to those who are unsuccessful because of bad luck. Everyone in that situation should have an equal right to welfare and resources. This argues that sports stars should not just get the presenting jobs automatically, som etimes a retired star is better, sometimes the trained present will be more deserving of the success, each individual is different. As with the others, Rae we all begin with begin with an opportunity to equal means, but he believes this will lead to unequal prospects. He argues making merit a criterion for success will cause peoples differing talents and intelligence to make prospects for success unequal. Because some are much better than others in any given area (in this case sporting knowledge and ability) they will have the unfair advantage to do well in such careers at the expense of the disadvantaged that dont have those talents. This however, also means the people who get hired, for jobs such as sports television presenters, will be the people who are best for the job. Retired sport stars know their game through and through and this added level of knowledge puts them on a better standing, they can give more information and perhaps pass on a love of the sport which got them to where they now are. This therefore argues compared to someone just trained in presenting, sport stars are those who should be present ing the program as they can give more to the people watching. Despite this argument there are still successful programs like Soccer A.M which are not presented by stars and are still very popular, on the whole however with most current sports programs show a definite trend in using ex-stars to front the programs. Perhaps this is because the television companies believe the celebrity of the star will attract viewers, perhaps they feel the stars know all about the sport and so can present and discuss it better. Whatever the reasons there are many strong theories and arguments for both sides, showing the situation could be both fair and unfair in places it just depends on personal views on ambition, talent and choices. Bibliography Cavanagh, M. Against equality of opportunity, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2002.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Parent Teacher Behavior
Parent Teacher Behavior The correlation of a good parent and teacher relationship Parents and teachers constitute two of the most important information sources of young childrens social skills. However, Parents and teachers often are very influential adults in childrens lives, and thus they can provide important perspectives and information concerning childrens behavior. Parents are unique compared to other adults in that they often have observed their childrens behavior across time and across diverse situations. It declared that parents often are aware of subtleties in their childrens behavior and are able to observe them in different contexts, and, therefore, they should be included in the assessment of their children. Inclusion of mothers, fathers, and teachers as assessors allows for comparisons regarding their agreement about childrens behavior across situations with consideration of physical location as well as with sensitivity to differential behavioral values. (Mouly, 2000) In research it has been found that teachers benefit from involvement with parents. Teachers who had high involvement with parents indicated that they were more proficient in instructional and professional activities, devoted more time to instruction, and maintained better parent relationships than did teachers who had little contact with parents. As a result of these reciprocal benefits of parent-teacher relationships, others have encouraged the use of home school collaboration programs to help modify childrens academic and social behavior in school. (Slavin, 2005) Parents play an important role in an exceptional childs life and must inform teachers of their special conditions since no two children are alike. (Mouly, 2000) Teachers can be very helpful in supporting a childs treatment once parents inform them about the disorder. Parents can provide information to the teachers and school personnel about their childs medication or other special needs. From here, teachers can provide parents with occasional progress reports. Even if a child is not active at school, teachers should be informed that treatment can improve the childs ability to learn. However, misunderstandings between student, parent and teacher are common, but can be lessened with early communication between parent and teacher. The first contact between parent and teacher should be made before problems arise with the student. Parents can get involved in school activities in many ways, they can assist teachers with class once a week, volunteer to talk to the class on a particular topic, help with field trips or donate supplies for special events or projects. Some techniques that have effectively been used when working with parents of exceptional students are as follows, effective use of home liaisons, teachers who go on visits with home liaisons to enhance communication between school and parents, treating the parents with respect, encouraging their continued assistance with their childs education, and complimenting them on participation in their childs education. Some other suggestions for improvements that could be made are, training parents specifically in their roles in Individual Education Plans and School Evaluation Teams; obtaining through interviews and observations, viewpoints and feelings of parents; communication through media forms (announcements about appropriate meetings); guest speakers for parent meetings who would give in depth training concerning parental rights, early intervention, and transition plans; all teachers should be required to make personal contact with parents even if there is no apparent intervention neede d, this will keep the door of communication open; activities taught at school that would have a parent participation component included at home. It is very important that teachers help the parents of exceptional children to learn their rights. (OCD, 2005) Some of these parents dont know them at all and some only know bits and pieces that seem misconstrued. Teachers are required to have the parents sign their parental rights at all the meetings with the Diagnostician that would be concerning the childs education. It would be helpful for the parents to know and understand what they are signing for them to feel more comfortable. Most parents are kind of scared to sign things that they are unsure about, and then they are tense and unable to really make the best decisions about their child. (Slavin, 2005) In conclusion, I feel that working with parents of exceptional students will cause a mix of emotions. You are required to be on your toes at all times and they expect you to know everything, but as long as you treat them with respect and follow the simple guidelines from this paper, you shouldnt have a problem. You just have to keep in mind that you are teaching their pride and joy exceptionalities and all. References Mouly, G. (2000). Psychology for effective teaching. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. OCD Resource Center, (n.d.). Child adolescent ocd. Retrieved Mar. 20, 2005. Slavin, B. (2000). Learners with exceptionalities. Ford, D. (1996, Aug 05). Good parent-teacher relationship benefits children. College ofAgriculture and Home Economics, Retrieved Mar 20, 2005 Jones, D. (1997, Mar ), Working with navajo parents of exceptional children. Communication is the key. Retrieved Mar. 20, 2005, from Children, Youth and Family Establishing a parent-teacher relationship. (1998).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Shylock as Villian in Shakespeares Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays
Shylock as Villian in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice In Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice the antagonist of the play is Shylock. Shylock is a wealthy Jewish moneylender. Shylock is probably the most memorable character in the play because of Shakespeare's excellent characterization of him. Shylock is the antagonist in the play because he stands in the way of love, but this does not necessarily make him the villain of the play. Shylock can be seen as both the villain of the play and as a man who is very human. The villain that we see in Shylock is the greedy moneylender. Shylock charges high interest rates and when he is not repaid he insists on revenge. In the play Shylock loans Antonio money, and out of jest he suggests that should the loan not be repaid in time Shylock may cut off one pound of flesh from Antonio's body. Soon after Shylock's daughter runs away from home with Lorenzo, a Christian, and takes her father's ducats with her. When Antonio's ships do not come in and he is not able to repay the loan Shylock is no longer interested in getting his money back. Shylock want revenge for the loss of his daughter through the fulfillment of the bond. In court Shylock is defeated because of his selfishness. Shakespeare also shows the human qualities of Shylock throughout the play. Shakespeare brings out these human qualities by causing us to feel sympathy for him. After the loss of his daughter Shylock ran through the streets crying "My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!" as children followed him, mocking him. This causes us to feel sympathy for Shylock, even though we may feel him to be a villain. Besides the loss of his daughter and his ducats, after the trial Shylock also looses his property and his religion.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Why Did Wwii Break Out in 1939?
The Second World War started for many reasons but the most important were: the treaty of Versailles and the negative impact it had upon Germany, the foreign policy of Adolf Hitler and what did the other countries do to stop Hitler’s actions. The treaty of Versailles was a very important factor for the break out of war. The treaty took away land from Germany and gave it to Poland, France and Britain. This land included the colonies that Germany had in Africa that was given to France and Britain.It made Germany pay huge reparations that left them in a crisis, and Germany was already in a crisis due to the war which made the germans felt it would stop them from recovering. There were a lot of unemployment and whole families suffered from constant hunger. They had to take blame for starting the war and they did not feel it was fair because it was Serbian terrorist groups that trigger it by killing the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The treaty also ordered the reduction of the German ar my to only 100,000 men and it limited its navy to six battleships.The Germans didn’t feel this was fair because it meant that they were nearly helpless if someone tried to conquer them and they felt bitter as the other countries didn’t had to disarm. They also had to demilitarize the Rhineland. The Rhineland was the border between France and Germany and it was demilitarized in order to protect Alsace-Lorraine. The big three had different opinions on whether how to punish Germany. Woodrow Wilson (America) thought that Germany should be treated fairly because if it was punished too harshly they would want revenge.America did not suffer as much because of the war due to the fact that the war was not fought in America and they joined the war in 1917 so they did not had such many casualties as the other countries. Lloyd George wanted also a fair settlement but the British people, as Georges Clemenceau (France), wanted revenge because all of the soldiers killed in battle and all of the harm they had done to their country. The Germans became vengeful because overall they did not see fair the treaty of Versailles and the sate it had left the country and they had their revenge with the war.The second factor was Adolf Hitler’s foreign policy. Hitler wanted to make Germany a big and powerful country so he could have revenge of the other countries because of the treaty. He started to get back all of the things that the treaty had took from Germany, starting with the joining of Germany and Austria. Hitler sent his troops and made the Austrians hold a vote to join Germany to Austria. The Nazis rigged the vote so that 99% of the Austrians voted for unification.I think that he wanted to unite with Austria because Austrians had German blood so they were part of the Master race, he also wanted Germany to be big and powerful and with Austria he would have more territory and there would be more people working for Germany and it’s army. Then he demanded the Sudetenland region of Austria back to Germany because there were 3 million German people living there and also the Sudetenland had good farming areas and also a lot of raw materials and industries.This meant that there would be more food for German people and its army, the raw materials and the industries could be used for the air force and navy for the German army. After invading the Sudetenland, the German troops invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. I think Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia to have a better chance against the USSR and also to make easier the invasion of Poland by having more land around it. Hitler then made a non-aggression pact with Stalin, they agreed not to fight each other and to share Poland between them.Hitler wanted the land of the Polish Corridor back to Germany because it had cut Germany in two and many German people lived there. But Poland refused to give back the lands because it would mean that they would lose the only access they had to th e sea. Hitler invaded Poland so he could have back that land and to expand its territories. More land meant more men in the army and more space to oppose the USSR. And the last of the most important factors of the breakout of the war was the fact that other countries only reacted and decided to fight back when Hitler conquered Poland.When Hitler began to rearm Germany they didn’t do nothing because they were more worried of the communist invasion and they thought that a stronger Germany could protect Europe from the USSR. Then, when Hitler rearmed the Rhineland they did not do anything because they thought that it was reasonable for Germany to have troops in their own territories, I think that the other countries weren’t as bothered with the treaty as they were in 1919. When Hitler United with Austria and the Austrian leader asked for help Britain, France and Italy didn’t do wanted was peace.In 1938, Britain and France made an agreement with Hitler saying that h e could have the Sudetenland back if he didn’t took the rest of Czechoslovakia. They were so centered on maintaining peace that they didn’t even talked to the Czechs of this. But when Hitler broke this agreement they didn’t help Czechoslovakia because they wanted to evade war by any means and they promised Poland that if they were attacked by Hitler’s army they would help them. They began to prepare for war because they knew that if Hitler continued his invasions then Poland would go next.When Hitler invaded Poland, England and France declared war on Germany but they did not send any troops to help Poland as they had promised because they thought it was too late for Poland. On my opinion, if the other countries had decided to act earlier when Hitler was beginning to expand they would have been able to evade war because he was not powerful enough. I think that if they had actually tried to stop war they would have actually done something because it was ver y obvious that Hitler wanted revenge and he would do more than reversing the treaty of Versailles.If they had done something things could have been very different to what they are now. There wouldn’t have been so many deaths from soldiers and citizens from the cities, and also whole cities would not have been devastated by the bombs. Also there would not have been as many victims from the holocaust were thousands of Jews died in the concentration camps. In conclusion, the other countries could have prevented the WWII from happening easily by acting when Hitler was weaker.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Learning Knowledge for Effective Performance Essay
It instills organizations with new ideas and information which is a essential component of learning organization. Peter Senge’s 5 disciplines are essential for a learning organization. Systems Thinking is the crucial discipline which brings all the other factors together into a balanced theory and practice. Figure 1: The 5 Basic disciplines of a learning Figure 2: â€Å"The Fifth Discipline†by Peter organization Senge It allows organizations to see the big picture and differentiate learning patterns within the organization. Using this principles, organizations can work with a system to create solutions to challenging problems in every field as Senge believes that current problems are results of solutions that were applied in the past. Systems thinking involve learning to distinguish general behaviours and create new ones to familiarize with special terms and tools that aid decision making and also allow employees to participate in decision making. It also helps managers to detect repetitive patterns such as common ways of solving problems, present goals and policies that restricts the growth of the organization. It is similar to single-loop learning. Although it takes time to be implemented, it promises a wide range of benefits to companies and improve overall achievement (Delio, 1998). Toyota For example, TPS (Toyota Production System) is an approach created by the founder of Toyota, his son and his engineer that manages logistics, manufacturing and interactions between customer and supplier. TPS was created to bring consistency to the system and enable an effective production process, which eliminates waste. As a result, TPS worked well and has increased production and improved quality of cars. The system has made what Toyota is today: a leader in the automotive manufacturing and production industry.  Personal mastery is the discipline that describes personal growth and learning. Individuals who have a high degree of personal mastery are continuously seeking learning opportunities because they â€Å"are acutely aware of their ignorance, their incompetence and their growth areas†(Senge, 1990). Their self-improvement and self-discovery abilities motivate a learning organization as they are self confident and have great commitment and responsibility towards work. Personal mastery allows one to distinguish what is important and picture the real world more clearly. Therefore, managers must help to create the environment to change by creating an atmosphere that promotes personal mastery within organization where employees should feel comfortable to create personal visions. Managers who are serious in delivering personal growth will send a powerful message to his or her employees. Disney At Disney, successful films are not made only from the ideas of managers. In fact, the top management attends an event called ‘Gong Show’ three times a year where an employee at any level is encouraged to throw ideas and story lines. Employees at Disney feel comfortable to create their personal vision. Managers then respond immediately and reward the employee. The results would be an extraordinary concept of animated film.  â€Å"Mental models are deeply held internal images of how the world works, images that limit us to familiar ways of thinking and acting†(Senge, 1990). Mental models are the way how one sees things, learn and react to situations on a daily basis. Generally, people do not do what they say but they behave according to their mental models. Mental models are very important in an organization because it is relates to consequences that occur. It is rather difficult to develop systems thinking if mental model is fixed in past experiences. For example, a manager will find it difficult to handle with interpersonal problem in the organization if he or she has a different perception on an employee. Many organizational learning fail when managers ignore the power of mental models. When managers in an organization develop the ability to work with mental models, it will be necessary for employees to learn new skills and orientations. Both systems thinking and mental models fit together as systems thinking concentrates on how to modify assumptions in order to show causes of problems and mental models look at revealing our hidden assumptions (Taggart. J, 2009). Therefore, it is worthless for managers to engage in systems thinking until their mental models change. Apple Japan Apple introduced the concept of learning organization into their workplace. Apple was advised to embark upon the Five Disciplines which are important to a learning organization. Each employee had a mental model of the way the organization operates. The learning process was more efficient when each employee’s mental model was brought in-line with the rest. Managers at Apple also encouraged Personal Mastery to staffs to place reasonable goals. The essential discipline was Systems Thinking, where it facilitated each employee to make decisions, taking the whole system into account, instead of analyzing specifically on their own problems. All the 5 disciplines were implemented through a program of education and it marked improvement in sales and growth. (Adapted from: Case Studies of the Learning Organization, n. d. ) SHARED VISION Senge’s (1990) shared vision is not an idea but a deeply embedded belief shared by many that provides focus and is a vital part of generative learning. Shared vision is derived from personal vision. Therefore, managers should encourage employees to develop personal vision so that organization’s vision succeeds as both vision are engaged. It provides the focus and energy for learning making it an important component of a learning organization. Shared visions encourage new ideas and concepts within organization while encouraging experimentation. Senge claims that managers should understand that their high position in an organization does not mean that their personal vision is also the organization’s vision. Although visions are mostly visualized by top management, it is not consider a shared vision until others in the organization connect it with their personal vision. General Motors In General Motors (GM), a group of executives decided to implement a new approach in automobile manufacturing as well as a new friendly working environment. Pfeffer and Sutton (2000), discuss creating an organizational learning environment with a shared vision in a case study based on Saturn. The Saturn employees were labeled as risk takers. Later, these staffs sought and embraced a systemic change in Total Quality Management . As a result, Saturn developed into a successful car company due to its shared vision among employees. TEAM LEARNING Team learning is where a group of people work together to create results that they truly desire. Team learning is built on the discipline of personal mastery and shared visions but these alone are not enough to act wholly. Team learning involves two primary ways of communication among members which are dialogue and conflict. These are essential ingredient for learning. Dialogue among members in a team creates a language that helps deal with difficult situations and focus on structural issues. It helps members to learn how to recognize the patterns of interaction which provides an opportunity for members to interact with one another and discover possibilities. Conflicts is a norm in team and teams must know how to deal with disagreements well. A well handled conflict is important in a team as t often leads to effective brainstorming and problem solving matters. According to Senge, 1990 â€Å"the difference between great teams and mediocre teams lies in how they face conflict and deal with the defensiveness that invariably surrounds conflict. †General Electrics An example here is Jack Welch, CEO of General Electrics ( GE) came up with a solution call the Work-Out program to ‘clean upâ€℠¢ GE and improve productivity. It got every employee to get involved in challenges and problems. It has adapted a learning culture among employees which make GE a learning organization. As a result, GE increased its market share from $13 billion in 1981 to $500 billion in 2000. Figure 3: The Work-Out program implemented in 1981 increased Market capitalization by $487 billion.  Figure 4: Kolb’s Cycle of Experiential LearningDEFINITION Concrete experienceConcerned with something that has happened to you or that you have done. Concerned with adopting your new ideas into practice. Reflective ObservationConcerned with reviewing the event or experience in your mind or exploring what you did and how you, and others feel about it. Abstract ConceptualizationConcerned with developing an understanding of what happened by seeking more information and forming new ideas about ways of doing things in future. Active ExperimentationConcerned with trying out the new ideas as a result of the learning from earlier experience. Table1: Brief definitions of Kolb’s cycle of Experiential Learning. Figure 4 and Table 1 adapted from ‘Reflection on and in the workplace by L Allin and C Turnock, 2007. One may begin at any stage, but must follow each other in the sequence: †¢concrete experience (or â€Å"DO†) †¢reflective observation (or â€Å"OBSERVE†) †¢abstract conceptualization (or â€Å"THINK†) active experimentation (or â€Å"PLAN†) Kolb, an American educational theorist explains how experience is translated through reflection into concepts, which is then used as a guide for current and new experimentation. This can be applied in the several forms of informal and formal learning in the organization where learning becomes more effective as employees gets hands on experience on the knowledge they have gained. It also improves performance at workplace and influences the behavior of the learner and as such employees can enhance their performance as they are able to understand and learn better. Learning increases ability to contribute to the organization’s success. It also contributes to a better understanding, increases communication, improves quality of decision making within organization. Organizational learning is essential for innovation ( Laundry, 1992). Innovation is vital for organizations to survive in the competitive world today. Organizations are required to think out of the box and practice continuous learning to remain top in the market. Organizational learning has affected performance of individuals as well as organization as a whole in a positive way. Most firms these days are categorized as learning systems. Organizations such as Fiat, Toyota, Motorola and a few others have improved tremendously after learning took place. They had both formal and informal ways of knowledge acquisition, sharing and implementation of knowledge and skills. Motorolo today is a well developed organization because of its learning processes and culture where employees are fully committed to total quality management. Organizational learning fosters a great opportunity for meeting goals, visions and values. Here, a manager plays a huge role not only as a charismatic leader but also as a motivator that guides employees towards change, shapes the design and structures of the organization and overall creates a positive impact on the organization. The factors that add to effective performance through organizational learning are the skills developed by employees, resources that are available in helping them learn, reward system given by employers, environment and culture. Competitive advantage is a strength a company has over their rival firms. It is an bility to operate at minimum cost, produce quality goods, and invest in Research and Development. Through organizational learning, a firm can develop the necessary knowledge that is vital for effective performance. Intrinsic knowledge can also be applied in organizational learning. Intrinsic knowledge is the knowledge which resides within the organization in terms of work relationships, attitudes and behavior. They are difficult to transfer f rom one to another. Employees in a company which has developed strong intrinsic knowledge will be able to use them in the operations and gain productive performance. It will help them to show a higher proactive personality together with commitment. It becomes a competitive advantage to the firm as it will be hard for competitors to follow. Federal Express’s efforts and approach of investing heavily on team learning among employees has enhanced quality and gained success. It is the ability of the firm to practice continuous learning that made it what it has become today. Although learning is a slow process, once initiated, it feeds on itself and will continue to grow and improve efficiency of employees. Today, more organizations are realizing the importance of learning to be successful in their respective markets. Knowledge within learning organizations must be discovered and shared among employees so they can work in a team to enhance problem solving, decision making and response to challenges. Therefore, managers in organizations should take the necessary steps to shift from organizational learning to a learning organization. Organizations such as Totoya, GE, Disney and others are clear examples of how learning efforts have helped these firms to achieve high performance and compete against competitors in the 21st century.
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