Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Symbolism Of Edgar Allen Poe - 1491 Words
The Symbolism in Edgar Allen Poe’ Works -14090304 Maggie æâ€" ¹Ã¥ æ‡ ¿Fang Ziyi- As a master of short stories of horror, Edgar Allan Poe is knowledgeable, learned and imaginative. He could skillfully manipulate the words in his literary works to create everything people can think of. The masterful use of the symbols, objects intensify the readers’ nerve as the typical elements of horror in Poe’s short stories, and therefore it is also a feature which makes Poe s stories different from other writers. In Edgar Allen Poe‘s work, a majority of the character will reflect or have the a crazy or depressed inner world. In order to highlight and emphasis the â€Å"crazy†â€Å"messy†and â€Å"mad†mental condition, author will use those symbolized images. Meanwhile, the inner world can be visualized. As an additional effect, some of the images will have the function of doubling the emotion or add up the sense of depression. Among Poe’s work, I will typically illustrate these three works â€Å"The Black Cat†, â€Å"A Tell Tales Heart†, â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†, and â€Å"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar†to dedicate the use of symbolism. Other works will be briefly mentioned. Key words: symbolism, Edgar Allen Poe, image, horror 1. Images of inner world-animal images In Edgar Allen Poe’s work, we can found two kinds of image which related to animals. One is the real animal; the second one is a person who has the feature of an animal. And I would like to identity them into â€Å"humanized animal†andShow MoreRelatedSymbolism Of The Raven By Edgar Allen Poe1045 Words  | 5 Pagesinvisible†(Morris). Symbolism increases the meaning of the story, as well as captivates the reader’s attention to a deeper degree. It encourages the reader to think and attempt to find the hidden meaning within the narrative itself. As a poet Edgar Allen Poe occupied his narratives with literary elements. Symbols become one of the most predominant elements in his works of literature. Consequently, in his concise poem â€Å"The Raven,†the literary element most noted by the reader is symbolism. Characters, placesRead MoreSymbolism : The Raven, By Edgar Allen Poe2339 Words  | 10 Pagesknown as symbols. Symbolism is the use of symbol s to signify important ideas or qualities by giving them more complex meanings, which are different from their literal sense. Symbolism gives people a more thorough understanding of the work, and is an important skill developed by writers. There are many famous examples of symbolism throughout the history of literature, such as Harry’s scar in the Harry Potter series, which represents a badge of honour, or the black bird in Edgar Allen Poe’s â€Å"The Raven†Read MoreSymbolism in the Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe1655 Words  | 7 PagesSymbolism in The Masque of the Red Death The Masque of the Red Death is a short story written by acclaimed literary author, Edgar Allen Poe. The story is an emphasis on the fact that there is no avoiding death, no matter how hard you try, which is the overall theme. The text tells the story of Prince Prospero whose town is being plagued by the dreaded Red Death. He attempts to avoid the plague by inviting 1,000 of his closest friends, all of which are variably different, to isolate themselvesRead MoreEssay on Symbolism in The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe1155 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism in The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe Like many of Edgar Allen Poes works, The Tell-Tale Heart is full of death and darkness. Poe used many of the real life tragedies he experienced as inspiration for his gothic style of writing. Poe dealt with many aspects of death and madness in his stories, madness again is playing a key role in the plot. In this short story Poe used literary devices such as point of view and symbolism to give it a more dramatic effect and add toRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe and His Dark Stories673 Words  | 3 PagesEdgar Allen Poe, an amazing writer and poet, known for his dark themes and use of literary elements. Many individuals read his stories and poetry, but do not know who Edgar Allen Poe is, aside from being a writer and poet. They also do not know why he wrote this way. The amount of time it took for him to be able to publish his first book or how sad he felt when his wife died, people do not know these things. These are the events that helped him become so determined and write so sorrowfully. Read MoreEdgar Allen Poe and His Work Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesEdgar Allen Poe and His Work Outline I. Introductory Paragraph I.1. Thesis statement I.2. High points II. First Paragraph II.1. Brief history of life III. Second Paragraph III.1. Edgars Writing Style III.2. Examples IV. Specific poems and short stories IV.1. Examples V. Conclusion Paragraph V.1. Restating thesis statement V.2. Restating high points of the paper Edgar Allen Poe was one of the great writers of this world. He created several poems and short stories of aRead More Edgar Allen Poes The Fall of the House of Usher Essay1678 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allen Poes The Fall of the House of Usher Death is defined as, The termination or extinction of something (American Heritage Dictionary). Edgar Allen Poe uses this description in The Fall of the House of Usher in different ways. Poes intention when writing The Fall of the House of Usher was not to present a moral, lesson, or truth to the reader; he was simply trying to bring forth a sense of terror to the reader. Poes mind works this way, and critics believe this statementRead MoreThe Great Stories By Edgar Allan Poe1238 Words  | 5 Pagesexploration of the new America was popular among the people. Poets during this time liked to write about adventure and new pristine worlds untouched by man. Edgar Allan Poe on the other hand used his own style of writing, that used dark symbolism and complex plots to excite the readers. Having seen death and understanding the feeling it brings, Poe had an easy time writing the great stories/poems that we know today. In the years of 1835-1845 the United States was in the process of expanding theirRead MoreAnnable Lee: Poes Reflection on Love Essay1286 Words  | 6 Pagesemotion is powerful and can make a person feel and do many wild things. In the poem â€Å"Annabel Lee†written by Edgar Allen Poe explains his love for his dead wife, Annabel Lee. Edgar Allen Poe uses symbolism, repetition, and fairytale like words in his poem to convey those feelings. Although Annabel has already passed away he holds on to their love and reminisces. Poe uses a lot of symbolism in his poem to create some hidden messages for the readers. In his poem the narrator repeats the phrase â€Å"kingdomRead MoreTheme Of Symbolism In Edgar Allan Poe1164 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism Throughout the Works of Edgar Allen Poe The American author, Edgar Allen Poe, had a life filled with much hardship, such as, death and loss, these hardships often reflected in his poems and story’s as the topic of most of his works seemed to revolve around those subjects. Poe used extensive symbolism in his works, symbolism is usually defined as something such as an object, idea, place, or person, used for or regarded as representing something else. The most common symbolism regarding to
Friday, December 20, 2019
Twelve Years A Slave By David Wilson - 1193 Words
Twelve Years a Slave is based upon a true story and autobiography about a free African American man who had to fight for his life as well as his freedom after being captured. Solomon Northup was born a free man in Minerva, New York. Northup was known around town as an excellent fiddle player who had a wife, Anne Hampton and three children. In 1841 two men offered him an opportunity to get paid to play in a music show, but was then drugged by them and sold him into slavery. He was enslaved for 12 years, which hints the title, and he served multiple masters. Some nice who treated him fairly and some cruel and mean. Twelve Years a Slave was written by David Wilson and was recently turned into a movie.This movie was directed by Steve McQueen. The movie was not too far away from the real thing. There were some slight differences in the movie form what actually happened. We are able to determine the differences by using the movie as well as Northup’s memoir. Things such as how his s piritual beliefs, his family, and memories of him playing the violin helped him push through was shown more in the memoir but not so much the movie. Northup’s memoir was based upon the many letters he wrote to his family up North. Slave narratives such as his were created and published in pamphlet form. They were created to help go towards the abolitionist movement. Because of the white’s editorial control, the slaves were not able to fully express the way they truly felt. Throughout the movie youShow MoreRelatedTwelve Years A Slave By Solomon Northup1472 Words  | 6 PagesTwelve Years a Slave is a book which is written by Solomon Northup. He was born in New York. The book retail the author’s life story as a free black man from the North. He lived, got married to Anne Hampton, a woman of mixed (black, white, and Native American) and worked in New York, where is his family stayed. Besides, he was a great laborer and a violin player. In 1841, at the age of 33 a two con men offered him a profitable work with a high-paying job as a musician playing violin in the sierkRead MoreTwelve Years A Slave By Solomon Northup1636 Words  | 7 PagesMarina Ajayby Mrs. Fred Jordan History 2010 30 November 2015 Twelve Years a Slave Twelve Years a Slave is a book which is written by Solomon Northup. He was born in New York. The book retail the author’s life story as a free black man from the North. He lived, got married to Anne Hampton, a woman of mixed (black, white, and Native American) and worked in New York, where is his family stayed. Besides, he was a great laborer and a violin player. In 1841, at the age of 33 a two con men offered himRead MoreThe Slave System And The Treatment Of Slaves Essay1493 Words  | 6 PagesSlave narratives were written for several main purposes such as to present a true description of the slave system and the treatment of slaves, to show the religious ideals of the main characters, and to appeal to abolitionists by showing the common humanity of slaves. Solomon Northup’s dominant purpose in writing the narrative novel Twelve Years a Slave is to present a true description of the slave system and the treatment of slaves. This purpose is chosen over the rest becau se he gives a clear explanationRead More12 Years A Slave : An Accurate And Verifiable Account Of The Common Slave Experience Essay1633 Words  | 7 PagesMarilyn Montemayor Dr. Wallace U.S. History 2111 November 23, 2015 12 Years a Slave The film 12 Years is an accurate and verifiable account of the common slave experience in the United States in the antebellum South. 12 Years a Slave is set in the mid to late 1800s and tells a true life story of the life of Solomon Northup a free Black man sold south into slavery. He was the son of an emancipated slave. Northup was from upstate New York, and was kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South. NorthupRead MoreEssay on Solomon Northup2826 Words  | 12 Pagespain, assailed by a burning thirst and hallucinations, he finally lost consciousness. When he awoke, hours or days later, he was manacled on a bench in a slave pen; a dozen years would pass before he was freed and returned to his family. In the same year as his return, 1853, Northups story was published under the title Twelve Years A Slave. Much of his narrative echoes themes from the course: the use of Christian and Revolutionary ideology and rhetoric in critiques of slavery and inequality;Read MoreAnalysis Of Solomon Northup s Twelve Years A Slave 1840 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Retold by Solomon Northup (and edited by David Wilson), Twelve Years A Slave is a memoir and slave narrative that captured the author s incredible story- he was a free black man from New York who was kidnapped and sold to the Southern of the United States as a subject to slavery from 1841 to 1853 before being rescued by the efforts of his family and friends. Using detailed imagery to recounted Northup s arduous experience as a slave, the book eloquently exposed important controversiesRead MoreReview Of Twelve Years A Slave- Dover Edition ( 2000 ) Essay2023 Words  | 9 PagesPart One: Review of Twelve Years a Slave- Dover Edition (2000) Twelve Years a Slave tells the first-person account of Solomon Northup, a black man born free in New York, who is kidnapped and sold into slavery in 1841 Washington D.C., prior to the Civil War. Mintus Northup, Solomon’s father, was emancipated upon the death of his owner, and continued as a free man to work in agriculture, for both members of the family that gave him his namesake, as well as other private farmers in New York stateRead MoreSummary of 12 Years A Slave1900 Words  | 8 Pagestraveling musical show, but soon after he accepted, they drugged him and sold him into slavery. He was subsequently sold at auction in New Orleans. Northup served a number of mastersâ€â€some brutally cruel and others whose humanity he praised. After years of bondage, he came into contact with an outspoken abolitionist from Canada, who sent letters to notify Northups family of his whereabouts. An official state agent was sent to Louisiana to reclaim Northup, and he was successful throu gh a number ofRead More The Exploitative Colony of Virginia Essay4348 Words  | 18 Pagesbelieve that the early settlers of the colony of Virginia made it into an exploitative and ignorant colony, due to the fact that it was set up primarily to make a small number of individuals wealthy while ignoring the rights of its other members. In the year 1607, a group of adventurers from the Virginia Company established the first English-American colony in the Chesapeake Bay area (Greene, 1988). They landed in Jamestown, and it became the first English settlement to survive in the New World. They namedRead MoreThe, Mexican Feminist Theorist Gloria Anzladua s An Analytical Framework For Considering The Relationship Between Minority Faces,3216 Words  | 13 Pagesthe â€Å"Border†when analyzing American slavery. As American slaves physically border their masters, they navigate the cultural and political borders between Slavery and Freedom. One such cultural formation of a â€Å"border†is the language of slave spirituals that explicitly celebrates whitened conceptions of religion while also implicitly becoming an original form of slave language, communication, and art. As such, both in form and content, slave spirituals are an artistic border between slavery and freedom
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Communication Between The Adverts And The Audiences In An Advertisemen
Question: Discuss about the Communication Between The Adverts And The Audiences In An Advertisement. Answer: Introduction An important aspect of working in an advertisement consultancy is to have the prime attention towards the clients. They should be the primary concern. Hence, communication has been the most significant element in advertising. Successful communications in the advertisements involve stressing on specific audiences with adequate information, which meet the requirement of the group. An important kind of communication is by the way of branding. Thus, communication between the adverts and the audiences has been a vital part of advertisements. The three magazines that would be preferred to place this advertisement The feasible options of magazines that would be preferred for placing the advertisement would be Lovas Nemzet, Scooby-Doo! Magazin and Wellness. Lovas Nemzet is a magazine in Hungary, which has been placed supposedly in the category of sports. It has been designed for highlighting the unique and precious relationships between a person and horses. It has been serving for quite a long time around two decades. The newspaper has particularly been designed for the persons who are interested and has a connection of sentiments with the horses. Hence, placing the advertisement, in the magazine would be targeting this section of the people, who are supposedly tough, and inclined to sports. Another aspect of choosing this magazine would be that, though this attracts a particular section, but this has been serving for a period of around two decades now. Another feasible magazine that can be preferred would be Scooby-Doo! Magazine. This magazine has been categorized in the section of kids. This magazine attracts a specific section of the society, namely the kids section, aged around four years to ten years of age. However, many adults are also interested in cartoon magazines. Many adults, such as parents of children are often seen to be guiding their kids, while reading books or magazines. Hence, attention of the concerned advertisement can be gathered in this case. Finally, placing the advertisement, in the Wellness magazine or the CKM, which would attract the males, particularly the young crowd. The magazine highly appeals to many section, particularly the adolescents as well as the adults. The magazine is categorized in the field of entertainment. Two other kinds of background against which the male models would be placed Nike has been a brand particularly designed for the athletes and sportspersons. The male models have been placed against dark backgrounds, which specifically symbolize strength and independence. Initially, the brand had invoked gendered competitions for luring the initial audiences (Salminen 2017). In the advertisement campaign of Nike shoes, where there was a displaying the single male models, there has been a stereotyping and gendered view, where there has been a challenge between the males and the females in a playful manner, tripping one another, stealing each others glasses, and others (Chen and Hsieh 2012). The other backgrounds against which the male models could be placed would be, in a stadium, engaging in the activities of sports. An example can be taken of the Jordan Super Fly, categorized in the section of basketball shoes, it has been manufactured with a suede leatherwork and an exclusive design motivated by the Jordan traditions Another background for placing the male models could be running, as running shoes are specially designed, or in a casual background, highlighting the Nike free section, which assures that the wearer would feel free and light, after wearing the shoes. Nowadays, across the world the lifestyle shoes have been given high importance, not only in the developed nations, but also in the developing countries. A casual background would thus be appealing and attractive to the audiences. An example can also be taken of the Nike Air Vapormax Flyknit that falls into the category of running shoes. The male models could be placed in a setting of running, conveying through texts or other means, about the rubber pods, the soles, the lightweight, and others, displaying about comfort and feel that would be appealing to the audiences. The audiences those are most likely to respond to this advertisement The intention of the brand had been to build a strong impact on the audience across the world. It has attempted to connect emotionally with the mass, by displaying stories of heroism. This creates a feeling of strength, which could be interpreted by the mass. Although, the concept of heroism has been used by other brands as well. This brand specifically attracts the youth, who are enthusiastic and active (Neuhausen 2012). Thus, it has been seen that the energetic and enthusiastic youth are most likely to respond to the advertisement. The reason being it particularly focuses on the sports shoes. However, the brand has been trying to suffice the needs of various sections and age groups, like, sports, lifestyle, running, casual and others. A brief assessment of the audiences needs, that could be suggested by this advert The needs of the audiences suggested to focus on would be highlighting on the local needs of the people or consumers. Of course, the innovations of the product have to be in a prime position. Supposedly, whilemarketing shoes of the athletic section, should be well distinguished from the brands that sell other types of shoes like, stilettos or high heels. The audiences try to seek elements that are distinguishable from the other products or brands (Rice and Atkin 2012). The audiences often seek for customer services, like having an approachable and user-friendly website, which has been designed in a customer-oriented manner. Like, the products can be searched according to the wishes of the customers, such as colors, size or materials, and others, with proper reviews. The audiences also look for advertisements where there are scopes of direct responses (Parente and Strausbaugh 2014). A questionnaire that could be designed to find out how the intended audience responds to the advert In order to assess the responses of the audiences, a questionnaire can be drafted stating the following queries to the audiences- firstly, it can involve different ways of assessing, like, voting, polls or surveys. The survey could include, questions like: To what extent did the audience feel it to be appealing? Was the features and specifications of the product was conveyed in a clear manner? Whether the titles and headlines were appropriate? Whether the product shown in the advertisement was distinguishable from the other brands or products? Whether the demographics of a region have been paid attention to, and have been addressed accordingly? Finally, whether there was any factor that could be modified or improved? (Aaker and Biel 2013). An alternative version of the advert intended to appeal to males An alternative version of the advertisement intended to appeal to the males, would be highlighting the product in a recently trending background. For example, displaying the gym shoes, that has specific properties. Displaying the male models in a gym set up, could lure the male audiences, by giving a vivid description of the specifications, which would make an impact in the audience (Moriarty et al. 2014). Conclusion In conclusion, it can be stated that the advertisements are viewed by the audiences with appreciations of the qualities as well as with an aesthetic eye. Even the new audiences are targeted, and the persons who give a quick response. In short, advertisements target the ideal persons. Though the brand has been more focused on targeting the youngsters, it has kept in mind to attract the high school students who have been trying to impress their mates. The brand has also focused on the contemporary hipsters who have been concerned with sustainability, with an exclusive design. Even the needs of the fitness gurus have been met, who have been constantly on the move. References Aaker, D.A. and Biel, A., 2013.Brand equity advertising: advertising's role in building strong brands. Psychology Press. About Nike - The official corporate website for NIKE, Inc. and its affiliate brands.. (2017) Retrieved 18 November 2017, from Chen, P.T. and Hsieh, H.P., 2012. Personalized mobile advertising: Its key attributes, trends, and social impact.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,79(3), pp.543-557. Moriarty, S., Mitchell, N.D., Wells, W.D., Crawford, R., Brennan, L. and Spence-Stone, R., 2014.Advertising: Principles and practice. Pearson Australia. Neuhausen, F., 2012.Marketing of Nike. An Analysis of Relationships with Customers and Suppliers. Parente, D. and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, K., 2014.Advertising campaign strategy: A guide to marketing communication plans. Cengage Learning. Rice, R.E. and Atkin, C.K. eds., 2012.Public communication campaigns. Sage. Salminen, M., 2017. Development of a Shoe Brand and Design of a Shoe.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Lets Cheers to This/A Trophy Fathers Trophy Son by Sleeping With Sirens free essay sample
The song â€Å"A Trophy Father’s Trophy Son†(written by the lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens, Kellin Quinn) has a strong theme of abandonment and corrupt families. The band is known for its relatable emo-stylistic lyrics and aggressive music. This song was a perfect fit for the band’s second album â€Å"Lets Cheers to This.†The actual music of this song starts slow and picks up in tempo until it comes to a climax, while the end of the song slows down to match the pace of the beginning. The lyrics match the music along with the feeling and meaning of the song. As the music picks up, the listener becomes part of the song with each note until they end up screaming the lyrics with the band. Kellin Quinn teams up with the band’s rhythm guitarist Jesse Lawson on vocals. The two powered together make a lasting impression on the audience and make this song stick out over other songs about dysfunctional families. We will write a custom essay sample on Lets Cheers to This/A Trophy Fathers Trophy Son by Sleeping With Sirens or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While Kellin’s higher pitched voice sings and Jesse screams the lyrics, the listener is feeling the anger towards whoever walked out on them just as Kellin likely felt towards his father when he left. The repetitive lines â€Å"Was it something I did?†and â€Å"Is this what you call a family?†suggest a strong mixture of confusion and anger. â€Å"A Trophy Father’s Trophy Son†is a great release for anyone who has felt abandoned by a family member or close friend. When I first heard this song it reminded me of my relationship with my father. The last two lines of the chorus were the most therapeutic for me. â€Å"When I go to sleep at night, you’re not there/ When I go to sleep at night, do you care?†These lines have reminded me of the last few years with my dad and though they bring back the hurt he caused, they also help me release the stress and hurt I feel towards him. This song helps me through a lot and I feel that it can help others that go through this same pain. When looking at the lyrics of this song, you can tell that Kellin put a lot of sentimental meaning into each word. While he releases his feelings through music, he helps fans and listeners release their feelings. Each use of the word â€Å"family†establishes the irony and brings into question what a real family is. Every time he questions and doubts himself, you can tell it’s a reflection of his feelings from when his father left him. When he questions his father about why he left, it is a reflection of how Kellin feels, but also a reflection of how each person who has been abandoned may feel. â€Å"A Trophy Father’s Trophy Son†is one of Sleeping With Sirens’s first hits and remains a song they always preform live. It is such a success due to the overwhelming crowd response and connection. It’s a song that helps many people through tough times and emotional scars. This song is part of a cultural revolution and needs to be recognized.
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